Internal Connection Fatal Error

Feb 8, 2011

I have a web app with a separate DLL for Data access.[code]...

I use Telerik controls to display data and initially went to them for help, but they can find anything wrong in the way I've coded the controls.

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Ixdn MsdMon.exe-fatal Error CLR Error: 80004005 The Program Will Now Terminate

Apr 30, 2009

i turn on my computer and appear this " Ixdn MsdMon.exe-fatal error CLR error: 80004005 the program will now terminate" and the computer runs very slow

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VS 2008 Fatal ExecutionEngine Error

Sep 8, 2010

In my project I am trying to capture frames from a camera and trying to retrieve the frame from memory and display the image (Resolution 1280*1024) in a picture box. while doing this I am getting an error stating as below: FatalExecutionEngineError was detected.The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x7a064d34, on thread 0x188. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack. I am not getting what this error is. Can anybody please help me in resolving this error and display my image onto a picture box? I am posting the code below:[code]

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Fatal Error Encountered During Command Execution

Aug 29, 2011

I was having problems updating information in my SQL database using my application, but recently I found the solution. However now I have run into another problem which is shown in the code below:

Private Sub cmdupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdupdate.Click
Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
conn.ConnectionString = "server=" & frmLogin.txtserver.Text & ";" _
& "user id=" & frmLogin.txtusername.Text & ";" _
[Code] .....

The exception message is:
Fatal error encountered during command execution.
I don't know if this is simply a syntax error that can be fixed easily, or something to do with my database configuration.

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Fatal Error Encountered During Data Read?

Jun 21, 2012

I am doing a regular update table scan

Using connect1 As New MySqlConnection(ConnectLocalhost.serverString)
Dim cmd = New MySqlCommand("set net_write_timeout=99999; set net_read_timeout=99999", connect1) ' // Setting tiimeout on mysqlServer


All I want is for the program to just "continue" when this thing happen. But that seems to be impossible. So I guess I need a way to make sure this bug doesn't happen. It happens randomly eery 800 entries or so.

Looks to me the connection is forcibly closed by remote host. In that case, I simply want to go where things left on and restart again.

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Vb Setup Stops Half Way On Windows 7 - Also Get Fatal Error On Installing .net Framework 4

Mar 16, 2010

Visual basic setup stops half way on windows 7 - also get fatal error on installing .net framework 4

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IDE :: SignTool Reported An Error 'An Internal Certificate Chaining Error Has Occurred?

Oct 17, 2005

I am new to code signing.After I swtich from the temperary test certificate to a real certificate from a CA, when I publish, I got two errors"Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build.""Error 2 SignTool reported an error 'An internal certificate chaining error has occurred.'."and when I checked "Sign the assembly", when I build, it asks for a password, after I entered password, it says "Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption"

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VB Compiler Is Unable To Recover From The Error: System Error &Hc0000005& (VB Internal Compiler Error)

Jul 1, 2011

This error first appear to occur randomly. Steps to recreate:Open Visual Studio and load a solution (some files automatically opened) - this is when the problem occurs Close all open files Restart visual studio and load solution (no issues)Open Exactly the same files again, restart visual studio and load solution so files open automatically (problem occurs!)

However, when trying to narrow it down to a single file (that is automatically opened when the solution is loaded), I couldn't reproduce the problem. Now with all the files open again the problem doesn't occur!!! So it looks like it is fixed - though this happened before and eventually the issue came back.

I think it is to do with one of the user controls with DevExpress controls on it - when the error occurs, the designer displays the error. Though I can't reproduce it at the moment to confirm that.

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Forms :: Internal Dataset Or Internal XML File?

May 3, 2009

Is it possible to have an internal XML dataset within a VB 08 program I ask because we at present have the program load an external XML on startup, but i would prefer this to be internal withing the program to stop other editing the XML file.

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.net - Internal Server Error (500) With HttpWebRequest

Jun 20, 2012

I'm trying to connect to a remote server (from our customer) via HttpWebRequest.GetResponse but at the login page i'm always getting an exception: "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." In the response stream i see that i was redirected to the error-page. The code worked so far(HTTP status 200) with the old ASP-website but they'll migrate to ASP.NET soon. There's no error if i browse to the URL manually. This is the (reduced) code:


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Internal Compiler Error In Beta 2

Dec 3, 2009

I get the follow error in VS 2010 Beta 2 VB[code]...

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Internal Error 500 Http Web Request

Jun 24, 2010

Im using httpWebRequest to get a response from a website.Ive created / creating a dvd manager for my dvds on disk. My method works fine if i double click a movie name. It will download the data into the correct directories. Im implementing a "process all titles" feature and im finding that around 15 titles im getting "internal Server error 500" or the program bombs out Could this error becoming from the poor internet speed (3G dongle) and the website rejecting my query because of slow downloading?Moved into a new house and ive no broadband in yet?

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VS 2008 Webrequest :: Internal Error 500?

May 3, 2011

Public Function ScreenScrapeHtml(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim objRequest As WebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
objRequest.Timeout = 1000 * 30


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HttpWebRequest/Response (500) Internal Server Error

Jul 30, 2009

The target server is writen in Cold Fusion and i have no access to there.

In addition i get only this error msg: The remote Server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error

What can i do in order to come with a more friendly exception message?

Am i overlooking something obvious in my code? myResponse.Close()

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Internal OLE Automation Error - MS Access 2007?

Jan 15, 2010

I am using MS Access -2007 on windows server -2003. on my one of the query I get "Internal OLE automation error" after it runs. It shows data for a moment then data gets deleted from query when I hit OK button on Internal OLE automation error.

SELECT Qry_SNew.*, IIf([Qry_SNew].[Score1]>3.5,99.9663, IIf([Qry_SNew].[Score1] < -3.5 , 0.03369,[Tbl_percent].[Percentile])) AS Percentile1
FROM Qry_SNew LEFT JOIN Tbl_percent ON Qry_SNew.Score1 = [Tbl_percent].score;

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C# - Website Different Error Page For External And Internal Users

Jun 22, 2011

Scenario: We have a website that is viewed both internally and externally. When an error occurs the users are displayed with a detailed error page(Stack trace etc). Problem: The external customers do not need that much information about the error. We are looking to have the external customers see a message instead. Ex. Please contact Administrator. Also if possible we would like to log this message in our SQL database.

Note: I'm assuming I make a custom error page like - Implementing a Custom Error page on an ASP.Net website. but how do I determine whether or not the user is internal/external? Also is this the best way to approach the problem?

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Get Html Source Of A Web Site But Getting Internal Server Error

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to get the html source of a web site but getting an "Internal Server Error (500)" instead. [code]

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Prevent Errors When Doing A Webrequest - (500) Internal Server Error

Dec 26, 2010

I receive three errors using the following function:

Private Sub readWebpage(ByVal url As String)
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url)
Dim resp As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse


The remote server returned an error:
(500) Internal Server Error.
The server committed a protocol
violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine


How would I be able to prevent these errors?

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Webclient Getting A Internal Server Error When Downloading A String?

Nov 12, 2011

My program takes user input, replaces all spaces with "+", then inserts it into a search url for a specified web host. For example, the user enters:"How long is a foot?"

The generated URL (in this case I'm using is:


This method has worked before for me, but now I just get an Internal Server Error every time the code is executed.

View 4 Replies - Web.Config And Analyzers - Get 500 Internal Service Error When Try To View The Site

May 26, 2012

I have a set of ASP.NET membership tables online with my hosting with godaddy. I can run my site locally and connect to the online membership table fine and can create accounts etc.. So basically I got everything hooked to reference everything online.


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VS 2010 The Remote Server Returned An Error: (500) Internal Server Error?

Dec 5, 2010

posted again but this time its regarding both the webclient and the web reuqest giving me this error :S

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Error - ExecuteScalar Requires An Open And Available Connection - The Connection's Current State Is Closed

Aug 3, 2011

i have an application. which is executed after every 5 mins. i have an open connection but it gives me the following error:

ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.

my code is something like this. I have shown where all i am using ExceuteScalar()

Sub Main()


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[2008] Error - Unable To Read Data From The Transport Connection: The Connection Was Closed

Mar 15, 2009

I have a simple scraper. It works on some websites, but on some there is this Error:


IOException was unhandled Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed

It is occuring at "Dim htmlresults As String = Urlcontents.ReadToEnd()".

'Create the HttpWebRequest object
Dim req As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(URL)
'Set the timeout to 1 second (or 1,000 milliseconds)
req.Timeout = 10000


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Open A Table In SQL Server 2008 Table From VB Using ADO Error "Recordset.Open Fatal"

Dec 8, 2009

I am a newbie and am trying to open a table in SQL Server 2008 table from Visual Basic using ADO and its throwing up a weird fatal error. The error message is:'A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more details, see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. HRESULT = 0x80131c08. ErrorCode: 0x0' The code I am running at the time is:


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Sql Connection Error - Re-establish Connection To The Server

May 14, 2010

This will happen at random, and I can always just catch the error and re-establish connection to the server, but I am confused as to why. When doing lots of inserting into the sql server, I only establish one connection that is public, instead of many little connections. I had my doubts on a public sql connection, but it's been running great, and I've seen no problems until this morning. Again, this random moment I hit an error that stated, sql connection state is broken. Is it bad practice to just accept this error, and when it happens, re-establish the connection?

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DB/Reporting :: Fatal ADO.NET Crash?

Jul 30, 2008

The scenario is this: 2003 connecting to access 2003 using Jet 4.0 SP8 and MDAC 2.7 SP1.On a particular client machine with XP SP2, while trying to fill a dataset it crashes fantastically without ANY error message. the exe just disappears from the task manager.I use a Module to launch the MainApp form, if I try to connect within the Module BEFORE calling the:

dim MainApp as new MainApp

...the datasets work normally, but if I do it inside the Form_Load (or anywhere inside the form) it presents the previously mentioned fatal crash.I have updated the clients machine with the SP1 for .NET 1.1 with no luck.Now, in a desperate attempt, I have installed VB.NET 03 in the client machine and with the dev env it works fine, but if I try to run the executable from outside, it crashes again. No error message from the exception handling inside the app, no unhandled errors from the framework or the OS, it just vanishes from the task manager.I tried to reinstall MDAC and Jet but the installers find the previous files and won't update with the new ones. Tried also reinstalling .NET framework and the error persists.

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How To Handle Fatal Errors

Mar 12, 2011

how can I make an app that knows when it crashed and why.I had some thinking, and came up with the idea that I'll have a separate process, working in parallel with my app, and looking after it, and know when and why it had crashed.Can I make my app know when an imminent crash is coming and dump unsaved user data, not to be lost?Let's say that I have an app, that need's "GoRun.dll" to work, but it isn't there, so my app will crash, but can I make my app run long enough to download the "GoRun.dll" file from [URL]?(or have a parallel process to do it, started by the original process, that downloads the "GoRun.dll" file and restart my original app)

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Generate A "internal Compile Error" In VB 2010 Beta 2?

Nov 9, 2009

This piece of code generate a "internal compile error" in VB 2010 beta 2. Is the begin of a ODBC program test using a MySQL database. Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection = New ADODB.Connection("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" &
"SERVER=localhost;" &
" DATABASE=dbmysql1;" &
"UID=root;PWD=ranger; OPTION=3")
End Sub
End Class

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Sends Data On A Networkstream Through A Tcp Connection - Error "An Established Connection Was Aborted By The Software In Your Host Machine"

Aug 18, 2009

I have a program that sends some data on a networkstream through a tcp connection.


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Error: ERROR [28000] Make The Connection With Window Application

Sep 18, 2010

when I attempt to make the connection through a VB.Net with window application, I am getting the following error: ERROR [28000]

My connection string is


<add name="MyConnection" connectionString="Driver=PostgreSQL ANSI;Server=;Port=5432;Database=pacs;Uid=postgres;Pwd=postgres;" />

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