Toggling Controls Settings & Values?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a series of check boxes and text boxes that are paired up together. 3 check boxes and three text boxes. Right now I have code in each of the Check boxes changed event as follows:

If UseSuffix_CheckBox.Checked = True Then
SuffixValue_TextBox.Enabled = True
SuffixValue_Label.Enabled = True


What I would like is to have one public routine (Function or Sub) that gets handed in the the control name/ref that just got clicked and then perform the functions listed in the above statement. Basically I want to have one routine that all the check box changed event points and acts on that check box and its paired text boxes and labels. I know it can be done just not sure how to pass the control that was clicked by the user to the sub.

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Winforms - Toggling TopMost In VB?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a form that has to be on top for a period of time, and then can be set behind other windows normally. Is there anything in addition to setting Me.TopMost to True or False that needs to be done? I ask because it doesn't seem to be working.

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Toggling MenuItems (ToolStripMenuItem) Checked State?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a menu bar like this.I need to use them like radio buttons. So i have come up with this. Seems a nasty hack since it loops all my menu items. And if i later add different checks it would interfear.

Private Sub mnuMainMenuToolBarComposeExistingThread_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles mnuMainMenuToolBarPrivateMessage.Click,


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Toggling Panel Visibility Isn't Working When They Are Stacked

Jan 8, 2012

I have a form that has two views. These views are controlled by radio buttons on top of the form.

Here is the program:

Notice how the Radio button for Number Converter is selected.

Here is what it looks like when you select the Text Converter radio button:

That isn't right. I have it set to hide the panel containing the number converter and show the one containing the text converter when you click that one. It hides the number converter but doesn't show the text converter.

Here is a picture of the text converter panel:

Here is the relevant code:

Private Sub frmCalculator_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
rdoNumberConverter.Checked = True
End Sub


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VS 2010 Create A DLL Injector (merely For 3rd Party Option-toggling)?

Oct 15, 2009

I'm trying to create a DLL injector (merely for 3rd party option-toggling), but for some reason this code doesn't work.It will always return "Failed to create thread!"Here are the contents of the (Form1.vb)

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long


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Binding Controls To A Settings File?

May 9, 2012

I want to be able to control several groups of settings independently of each other. I'd originally used My.Settings, but it was too much work to manually rollback some settings whilst saving others.

I thought my solution was to use multiple settings files, and I've had moments where this seemed to work, but I whatever success I have had is periodic and temporary.

Currently I have two settings files in the root of the project; In code, I can access the settings OK, but in many cases I want to bind individual settings to controls. This should be straight-forward, and I recall it working when I used the single, built-in settings file.

However, when I use the two new settings files it doesn't work. In the Formatting & Advanced Binding dialog, I select Add New Project Data Source, I browse into my project, then into the root namespace, and then I see my forms/classes/settings files. When I select the two settings files, and click OK, the dialog is dismissed without me being able to select an individual setting to bind the control to.

When I enable Project > Show All Files, I can see that the binding has been created; I have two .datasource files under My Project > Datasources.

Is there some reason why I shouldn't be able to bind to these settings files? If not, why can I not access them the the data-binding dialogs?

Plan B is to create an object to act as an intermediary between the controls and the settings files, but I'd rather avoid this if I can.

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Default Values Are Being Used For My.Settings Instead Of Those In The App.config

Nov 23, 2010

A Windows service written in VB.NET is using the My.Settings namespace for simplicity. There are only three settings to read, and these are read within the constructor of the ServiceLauncher.

I am attempting to install the service as such:

installutil GID.ServiceLauncher.exe

And this is successful, however the config settings it is using are not the ones within the GID.ServiceLauncher.exe.config file, instead it is using the ones baked into the app as Default Settings within Settings.Designer.vb (marked with DefaultSettingValueAttribute). [The questionable wisdom of Microsoft not allowing a developer to ignore default settings is another question entirely].

How can I further diagnose this issue, and maybe force a reload of settings? I tried calling My.Settings.Default.Reload, however this did nothing. All settings are application settings, and only differ by "value" from those in the auto generated file.

I have successfully attached the debugger using System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() and true enough, the settings are still the default settings.

In anticipation of the question, the background: The reason for requiring configuration settings is because this is a very straightforward service that simply executes an exe; and this exe is in configurable location. There are other reasons also, such as I wish to have the service name configurable without recompiling.

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Re-load The My.settings Values From The Config File?

Nov 29, 2009

I would like to tweak some of the numbers in the app.exe.config file while the program is running. I would like my program to re-load those valued from the edited txt file.

I have tried my.settings.reset, reload, and upgrade. None of these seem to reload the values from the config file into the program

vs 2005

How can i get my program to re-read the config file into its memory once it is up and running. say when a button is clicked?

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Controls On MDI Form Not Picking Up Backround Colour With Property Bindings From Application Settings?

Feb 3, 2011

I have an MDI form on which I have placed a ToolStripContainer. I have set the BackColor of the toolstripcontainer.contentpanel to an ApplicationsSettings property binding for BackColor. At design time the background colour of the contentpanel reflects the colour in the saved Applications Settings. However at run-time the background colour of the content panel is not the colour that has been saved in the applications settings (in this case DarkSeaGreen). It continues to display the colour from the current

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Resize A Form , Its Controls According To User's Screen Settings And Physical Monitor Size?

Nov 19, 2010

I am creating an application for a company and this CD will be distributed to hundreds of people. Many users will have different computer screen size and different screen settings such as their resolution set to 1024 x 728 and their monitor size 17" inches.

I noticed when I loaded the application on a different computer with different settings the application was to big for the screen and did not work. I notice that lot of other programs from microsoft resize their controls and text but never knew how they did it. How can I resize the form and control according to the user's setting.

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Reset My.Settings At Run Time To Initial Default Values?

Jul 12, 2009

How do I reset My.Settings at run time to the initial default values. I want to do this after the app has been running and the user may have save changed settings. The intention is to reset evering to 'factory defaults' as opposed to the last saved value as done by 'settings.reload'.For example in the property below , I want to restore to the value to '90' as given in the default value. I want to do this for all settings.[code]...

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CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(My.Settings.homepage.ToString)

Nov 18, 2009

This gives me an error.CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(My.Settings.homepage.ToString)

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.net - DataBound Controls Don't Save New Values?

Apr 7, 2011

I've bound a lot of controls on a form to a Entity. Some of them update fine, the others are just jumping back to their original value as soon as it loses focus.The old data are loaded in all controls perfectly.

Dim Q = From e In EnData.Calls Where e.CallID = ID
TempRow = Q.FirstOrDefault()
ticTemp1.DataBindings.Add("Value", TempRow, "CallDate")
ticTemp2.DataBindings.Add("Value", TempRow, "CustomerID")

How can this be fixed?

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Designing Form And Trying To Get Different Values For Different Controls

Feb 15, 2012

I'm designing a form and trying to get different opacity values for different controls. How should i do it??eg. clear visible text floating over 50% opaque form.

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How To Get Values Of DateTimePicker Selected Controls

Apr 3, 2010

I have two datetimepicker controls on my form:
dtpPickup and dtpReturn
I need a way to ensure that the dtpReturn date selected is after the dtpPickup, and not before. How do I do that? And also, how do I get the values of the datetimepicker selected controls? Also, how can I set the values of the datetimepickers to these two private variables?
Private mdatStart As DateTime
Private mdatEnd As DateTime
It will not let me save them with the Sub for the date time pickers.

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Query Values In SQL Without Filling Controls?

Oct 26, 2009

I want to check some values in a sql db without populating controls. I can select the row i want, but for some reason my mind then hits a blank, maybe its because its monday.I want to check a few bit fields in the row and if 1 - do something, if 0 do something else. In this case depending on which bit fields are set to what, id like to enable/disable various controls on my form.

Heres the code i got so far, but as i said then i drew a blank, and i may be going about this completely wrong:Dim SQLcon As New SqlConnection("server=DEVSERVERDEVSQL;" & _

"integrated security=sspi;database=WDA_SQL")
Dim SQLqry As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE (Username = @Username) AND (Password = @Password)", SQLcon)
SQLqry.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", UsernameTSlbl.Text)


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Take Values Of A Variety Of Controls In A Panel

Mar 20, 2012

I face a problem trying to take the values from a variety of controls that I create dynamically using some data from my database.For example I have a treeview and if I click on the first node I create a textbox, a datetimepicker and a combobox.When I click on the next node I create a datetime picker, and two combobox.etc.the problem is that when the user will press a button I want to take the values from these controls and use them to create a report.[code]but how I can get the value, the text, or the selectedvalue.Each control is different.

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Drag N' Drop Between Controls To Switch Values?

Oct 1, 2011

Long time no see. I have been feeling out other languages like perl, python, French, Russian, and c sharp.

Anyway, I have this code.

Imports System.Windows.Forms.Button
Public Class ProBtn
Inherits Button


I can drag and drop items from my desktop or wherever and apply certain properties and values to my button (ProBtn Class) but I don't know how to drag and drop between control to switch them.

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Forms :: Passing Values Into Controls Of Other Form?

Sep 30, 2011

I have to ask a stupid question:How to pass values from my form into the controls of other form?I made textbox and button in my form1 and Label into the form2 When I click the button, I want to pass the values of the my textbox in the form1 into the labels of my form2

I am a student and totally new to

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Sending Values From Textboxes And Other Controls To Word Doc

Apr 22, 2011

How to send values from text boxes and other controls in to a word doc. E.g. when I click save all of the text saves to a ms word document.

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Set All NumericUpDown Controls To Select Values (GotFocus)

Apr 18, 2012

In I would like to set all numericUpDown (NUD) controls to select their value when they receive focus, like a text box does. Do I need to write a GotFocus handler for each NUD? I know I can use widthBox.Select(0, widthBox.ToString().Length) to do the selection I just need to be able to apply this to all NUD GotFocus events.

View 2 Replies - Change The Values Of The Controls In The ASPxGridview Edit Form

Jul 11, 2010

I'm trying to change the values of some of the controls in the ASPxGridview Edit Form, however they are not changing. It seems to be resetting? How can I do this and in which event would I do this in?

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C# - Create Controls Dynamically Based On Dropdown Values?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to create a sample question types web form in VB.NET which allow user to the following:he user selects the control type from dropdown (TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc). Generate controls dynamically based on the control type on the webform.It will always show the TextBox (where user writes the question) and (generated control - TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc) and save those values to the database.

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C# - Keeping Track Of Values With Dynamically Created Controls

Jun 14, 2011

I have a WPF application that allows users to create questions of all different types which depending on the type will use a textbox,combobox,checkboxes, or radio buttons to allow the user to answer the question after they build some sort of questionnaire. My question is what is the best way to keep track of the answers across all the different controls after the controls are created and the questionnaire is created on the fly. Right now, i'm looping through all the containers and getting the values based on the controlType.

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Change Values In Various Text Boxes With Function Controls?

Jun 30, 2011

A toolbox in my project uses text boxes to hold the paramaters of some useful tools.[code]...

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Get Values From Dynamically Added Controls And Pass It To Webservice?

Jan 12, 2011

I get values from web service:

Dim ctr As Integer = 100
Dim ctr2 As Integer = 145
Dim ctr3 As Integer = -2


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Set Some Form Controls (textbox) To Values From A Single ADO.NET DataRow?

Sep 9, 2010

I'd like to see how others might handle this scenario and perhaps provide some comments on this particular solution for handling null values. I have run into a situation where my application requires data from an ancillary source that cannot be altered/changed, which of course means dealing with poor database architecture and implementation! In this case, my app is running into errors when attempting to set some form controls (textbox) to values from a single ADO.NET DataRow. Perhaps I should be handling this when attempting to set the controls? Not sure, but here is the current way this is done:

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Using Anonymous Types And Assigning Values To Controls Or Attributes

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a web site that users can log into and self serve their user information ie name, address etc. I've set up a SQL server DB with a couple of table holding the data and accessing those using Linq. I'm selecting specific data from my datacontext then trying to assign it to a label, ideally I want to assign the value to a class attribute so I can use the users details on multiple pages.

I've simplified the code (removing WHERE statement etc for the purposes of this question):

Using CurrentUserDataContext
New UserDataDataContext()


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Set Default Values For Data Bound Controls For Addition In Program?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a 2010 form with 22 data bound controls from two tables held in a dataset which is navigated by a bindingnavigator. This successfully adds deletes and updates. However what I need is when adding a new record I need some of the fields to be pre filled out. More specifically I have points balance fields etc which could be any value but will normally be 0 on a new customer so I want to initialize them to 0 when adding new records.

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Unable To Save Values Into SQL Server From Dynamically Generated ASP.NET Controls

Jul 13, 2011

I have an web forms application. In this application, students upload assignments and submit a survey along with it. For the survey, I read values from DB and dynamically generate ASP.NET Controls like radiobuttonlist, checkboxlist, textbox on the form during gridview's RowDataBound Event. I cannot do it in Page_Init method because I create only if a user click on a specific assignment which requires a survey to be submitted.

When I submit the survey form, the survey values are not saved into database. During debugging I figured it out that the values are not available in the codebehind page. The radiobuttonlist.selectedvalue returns and I get following error[code]....

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