Transparent Graphics Surface In Program?

Jun 3, 2010

I am making an application in VB.NET that allows a user to highlight some text in images of documents so that the highlights could be saved for future reference, but the original images would not be modified. I figured I can achieve it by creating a graphics out of an image file and allowing the user to draw on that graphics. The problem is - the graphics can not be created from indexed image files, which many of mine are. I am wondering: is it possible to create a transparent graphics surface above an image in a PictureBox control, so that the user could draw on that surface, but it would appear as if he is drawing directly on an image?

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Transparent Drawing Surface To Place Over A Group Of Controls?

Aug 17, 2009

Is there a transparent drawing surface I can place over a group of controls?

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Semi-transparent Menu Over The Top Of XNA Graphics

Jan 16, 2012

I am making a 2D sports game using XNA graphics. I would like to create a drop down menu from which the user can select various tactics. The menu will be a panel so that I can add in various sliders and check boxes, and it will drop down when the user clicks or hovers over a button.


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Interface And Graphics :: Groupbox And Transparent Background?

Feb 7, 2009

on the form i have a groupbox with a few textboxes and labels inside of it. Behind the group box i have a picturebox image. I want this image to be seen around the textboxs etc.. through the groupbox

Ive tried changing the background colour in the properties to transparent but you can still see the background colour and so the groupbox covers up the picture.

I want the background of the groupbox to be completely transparent.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Make Picturebox Transparent

Aug 23, 2009

i am making a program with graphics and im using a picturebox for a button. The image inside picturebox is transparent .gif. The problem is that i don't know how to make picturebox transparent. I searched the internet but all exaples didn't work. Does someone know how to fix this problem?

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Interface And Graphics :: Transparent Sprite Background

Aug 27, 2009

I made a game in VB 08 and I have sprites and a background but I need to know how to make the background of the sprites transparent.I'd like to note that I'm using a picture box for my sprite, and the game is animated (I read that those things are relevant).I've read a lot on bitblting but I don't understand it, and when I found a helpful article it mentioned to use the .hdc. This article though was made before the introduction of GDI+ which now makes it harder to obtain said .hdc.

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Draw Semi-transparent Text On A Graphics Object?

Mar 15, 2010

I want to draw a text with 32 bit transparency on a graphics object. When I try, I only get black color in the result.

If I try to draw a line with the same semitransparent color, it works perfectly.

I have this code:

lBitmap As New Bitmap(32, 32, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
lGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(lBitmap)
lGraphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality


I was thinking it may be that SolidBrush does not support transparency, but I found a predefined brush named Transparent (Brushes.Transparent) that was a SolidBrush when I looked at it in debug. I tried to use Brushes.Transparent as the brush when drawing the text, and it was successfully not showing at all. That means I get full transparency to work, but not partial transparency.

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Interface And Graphics :: Clickable Transparent Area On PictureBox

Jul 25, 2011

i'm working on Virtual K770i project - there is a picture of mobile, now i want to create clickable areas on "keypad" of mobile....I'm got idea about transparent label or something but transparency dont work on any object but Form1 - so how to make transparent clickable areas on picture box (see a picture)

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Interface And Graphics :: Design - Make A Form Transparent

Nov 18, 2010

i make a Form transparant where i dont want form background. So say like i got a round form and i can transparant the white background of the round even possible?

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Interface And Graphics :: Transparent Background In User Control?

Dec 3, 2008

I am attempting to write a simple 11ball style game. It requires images of poolballs overlapping each other. Since the balls will need some internal intelligence I was hoping to create them as usercontrols.I am having trouble gettiing the control's background to be transparent.Setting the background color to (Web) transparent only makes the background clone the form background color.

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Use Graphics.CopyFromScreen To Enable Alpha Transparent Controls?

Jun 27, 2012

I am trying to use (and this may be my problem already) e.Graphics.CopyFromScreen() in the OnPaint() method of my control to prepare a background onto which I can draw the content of the control. The goal is a tool-tip with rounded corners and other specific features to replace the default Windows tool tip.

Ideally the tool tip could be antialiased and blended into the backdrop, however at a pinch I could tolerate an aliased boundary. This may also be necessary as the control will often be covering a control with an OpenGL overlay and the whole blending procedure may end up a nightmare.

I have created a custom user control, a persistent instance of which belonds to my applications's main form, overriding the OnPaint and OnPaintBackground methods. The application of transparency however is challenging. As I understand, the graphics object passed to the paint method starts with a copy of the current VisibleClipBounds, where generally the first move is to clear the control with a solid colour and start drawing the main features. My first thought was to bypass the fill and start drawing on the captured background. For the first redraw this works fine, but subsequent redraws keep the previous content instead of re-capturing the backdrop. I hoped that CopyFromScreen would specifically eliminate the currently drawing control from its capture so as to start from a clean base but this is not the case, it captures the rectangle of the new location including the image of the previous location if it is in the bounds.

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Interface And Graphics :: Transparent Label Text / Forecolour Defaults To Gray At Runtime

Dec 5, 2009

I'm a second year A-level student (12th Grade U.S. equivalent) studying Computing, Physics and Maths. I like anime, PC gaming, climbing and mountaineering. That's an insight to who I am. Thought I'd add it here to my first post since I couldn't spot and introductions section.


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Interface And Graphics :: Make A Listbox's "backcolor" Transparent In 2008?

Jun 19, 2010

I have a form and on it there is listbox. What I want to do is to make the listbox's backcolor transparent. I really do not understand. I have searched many sites but I couldn't find an exact answer. Is it really that hard to make it??? I found this code on a few sites:


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Surface And Volume Area - Output Box?

Dec 13, 2011

Why I get a 0 in my output box when I check Surface and nothing in the output box when I check Volume. I'm not receiving any errors.

Here's the code in VB.Net:
[Imports System.Math
Public Class Form1
Public Sub Calculations()
Dim txtInput As Double
[Code] .....

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Visible Surface Of Picturebox Is Too Small?

Jun 27, 2009

I'm drawing lines directly on a PictureBox. My problem is that the visible surface of the PictureBox is smaller than expected, considering the Height and a Width properties.For example, there is a PictureBox with Height = 200 and Width = 400 points.When I draw a point with coordinates of (0,0) it is clearly visible in the topleft corner. But when I draw a point with coordinates of (399,199), it's not visible. Actually, the bottommost and rightmost point in the Picturebox seems to have the coordinates of (397,197).

What's the reason behind this? Is the PictureBox always two points smaller, or is it size-dependent? Or a wrong setting?

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VS 2010 Exposing Picture Box Drawing Surface?

Dec 27, 2010

studying GDI+ for drawing, there are many suggestions to expose the graphic surface for the paintbox control or a form using in the paint event. Can graphics be exposed outside the paint for the picture box control?

In my old vb6 project that I am converting to 2010, I have several large routines located in a code module that draw lines, circles, etc on a picture box and it is desirable to keep these outside the paint event of the picture box so the same routines can be used to draw on more than one picture box.

In experimenting, I found I can create from the picture box paint event and pass it by reference to a drawing routine and the drawing routine seems to work ok on initial experiments but it requires visiting the picture box paint event to get the drawing surface in the external sub.Is this apprach good programming practice or is there a better way to create the graphics surface of a picture box or form in subroutines outside the paint event?

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Forms :: Paint Program (graphics Disappearing) - Add A Save Feature To This Program?

Jul 22, 2010

Ok major problem with a paint program i am making. When i have a window overlap or anything and move to side of screen and minimize and maximize i lose whats in the picturebox...Here is an example of the code I use to draw a line after click a button:

Private Sub btndraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnlinedraw.Click
lxs = txtslinelocationx.Text
lxe = txtelinelocationx.Text[code].....

Here is a picture of my program running: How do I stop everything being deleted when things pass it...? how can i add a save feature to this program?

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Interface And Graphics :: Possibility To Get In Program Information From A Called Program?

Aug 7, 2011

Is there a possibillity to get in a vb program information from a called vb program?For example: Dim id As Integer = Shell("C:program.exe id_1") program.exe is a vb windows form program and must return a value back.

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Game Programming :: DirectX Draw To Surface And Then Copy From It

Jul 8, 2010

I programmed with Bitblt in VB6 for about 5-6 years and now I switched to DirectX and When I would make games in VB6, I would draw out the entire level into layers that were saved into memory on DC's.In DirectX however, I'm looking for the equivalent of that but cant find any examples around.I use a viewport system to follow the player along in the map, I copy only what is in the viewport over to the users screen.Image attached to better visualize what i mean.

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Arkanoid Type Game - Bouncing A Ball Off A Surface That Disapears?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a timer that bounces the ball around. It has 2 separate parts, one for bouncing off the wall and paddle, and one for hitting a block.It touches the block and the block is suppose to disappear, it then bounces away and should not bounce where the block is again because it is gone ,So basically the problem I'm having is, every time I add a line that tells it not to bounce off the block if it is not visible, it hits the top of the block (which is the side I'm testing) and seems to get stuck on a horizontal line and just bounces left and right.Here's my timer code.


Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick

'This top line below reads the last 'thespeedx/y' value and applies it to the new location information of the ball (which will be called shpcircle) This determines the direction, based on a constant speed[code].....

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Make Part That Drops Down Semi-transparent Or Completely Transparent Resembling Floating Text?

Oct 27, 2010

[code] how to make the part that drops down semi-transparent or completely transparent resembling floating text. So that I can see the form underneath.

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Make Listview Column Headers Transparent In Program 2003?

Nov 17, 2009

How to make transparent listview column headers. i am using VS.NET 2003 .. i hav googled a lot , but unable to find the ans.

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Make Userform Transparent But Have Non-transparent Controls?

Mar 7, 2008

Question:Is it possible to make a userform transparent but have non-transparent controls?I notice changing the opacity of the userform will change the opacity of controls embedded on it.

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Draw Simple Graphics In Program?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm a unviversity student and for an assignment we have to make a simple project where the user specifies a shape and a color, and then the shape is drawn in some kind of space. So like they choose circle, green, and in this blank space on the form a green circle appears, pretty simple. Anyways we have some kind of msdn alliance thing where we can download Visual Studio for academic purposes, so I downloaded Visual Studio 2008. I spent about an hour going through the tool box trying to figure out what could possibly allow me to draw stuff in it, and I'm really not sure what it could be. On some online tutorials it said something about a function on picture boxes like picturebox.Circle(100,100), 100, vbgreen or something similar, and when I tried making a picturebox and writing this code nothing worked. My friend told me to use a 'canvas' but neither of use know how to actually find such a control (its not in the toolbox).[urls]....

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Interface And Graphics :: Basic Picture Viewer Program

Nov 19, 2008

I have managed to build the basic Picture Viewer Program. Now Remember the program I am working on is for a Digital Picture Frame there is NO wirless network adapter on the old pc and there is no keyboard going to be attached to the laptop so the program must launch its self (ill put a short Cut in the windows startup folder). I got a picture box that excepts the picture file it covers the whole form! (when there is a picture in the picturebox1 it fits the screen) My form one covers the entire screen (I set the windows border from scalable to none). I need to make my program scan for picture files on different drives and then every 30 seconds or so choose a random picture from the usb drive and display it Posted below is my code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
PictureBox1.ImageLocation = OpenFileDialog1.FileName ' want to remove this feature so the user cant see this
[Code] .....

I am designing a program to be similar to Microsoft image viewer. I want it to open on PC start up Full screen and I want to make it scan for Images on flash drives with the user doing anything. I am making a Digital Picture frame out of my old dell laptop and I would like to make the program for it. How to have it play a random image every 30 seconds or so...

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Interface And Graphics :: How Do You Make A GUI Program That Is Not A Square/rectangle

Jan 31, 2010

I can't seem to make a GUI in the shape a circle...

something other than square/rectangle.

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Interface And Graphics :: Program Generated Variable Length Form?

May 10, 2011

I have an existing application which uses a home grown database. The database has over 60,000 unique multi-field records in it.The user can search in each field using drill-down to find a record, and then can add that record to a separate database.(60,000 collectibles described in a master database. User can drill down by category, manufacturer, year produced, etc. to find a record and then add it to their own 'collection', 'wanted', 'have for sale', or 'spares' database for record keeping.)

Instead of having them drill down, I would like for them to be able to perform a search and have all of the results (any amount of matches from 1 to 60,000+) appear on a scrolling form with a checkbox next to each so that they can simply check any that they want and do a mass add to their list databases.

The part I cannot figure out is how to have (2008) create a variable length scrolling form with the results, and how to identify the checkboxes (generated by the system for search matches) to see which, if any, have been checked by the user.

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Rendering Graphics Efficiently - DirectX - Graphics Card And Use Of DirectDraw Or OpenGL

Sep 23, 2011

We have a GIS application that has some performance issues. It creates and sends an image to a web browser. We start with a Bing Maps imager, add complex polygons (complete with transparent fill), save the finished image as a PNG, and send it to the browser.

The idea has come up that we could possibly install a graphics card and use DirectX or OpenGL to improve performance. I believe this would be the case even though we ultimately generate an image instead of sending the data the the screen. I believe our processes could still make use of the API and the hardware acceleration it provides. Our process is not unlike what CGI film makers do to render individuals frames of a film, though we simply render a single image and send it, as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of images needed for a single CGI film.

So my question is: would a powerful graphics card and use of DirectDraw or OpenGL provide us a worthwhile performance boost? It can take us 20-30 seconds to render a more complex map. Which is a long time to wait on a web page...

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Interface And Graphics :: E.Graphics.Drawstring Length Overflow Page?

Nov 19, 2010

Im working on a project that needs to print a report of one client.Everything went smooth untill i came across my multiline input text data.When i display it in the PrintPagePreview the text go's outside my page. Even when im printing it only the halve of my text is displayed. I googled and looked everywhere but i can't get a clear fix for it.


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Interface And Graphics :: Passing Bitmaps & Graphics To Subroutines As Arguments

Jan 22, 2011

I used to program with Visual Basic 6, so I have alot of old programs that I'm updating, plus I'm learning the new VB2008 methods. I'm writing a program that replaces the old "BitBlit" function which is no longer supported by Visual Basic 2008. It involves three picture boxes, one holds the sprite bitmap, a second holds the mask (silhouette) of the sprite bitmap, and a third has a background image.


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