VS 2010 Running Menustripitem Automatically?

Nov 12, 2011

Attached is a sample program which demonstrates the problem I am having.

When the user loads the program they are presented with Form1. If they press Button1 without ticking the checkbox they are presented with Form2 which contains a toolstripmenu.

When they select toolstripmenuitem1 Form3 then appears as a child form of Form2.

The problem comes when they tick the checkbox on Form1. It is meant to load Form2 then automatically select toolstripmenuitem1 to load Form3 but instead it only displays Form3.

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Running Automatically While Windows Starts?

Oct 11, 2010

how can I make my program runs automaticly while windows starts? what is the code I have to wright in Button_click code to do that?

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Automatically Running Database Query In Excel?

Aug 31, 2009

Im wanting to pull some data from our Remedy Server every so often. Right now we're having to do it manually; Data > Import External Data or New Database Query. The connection is called AR System ODBC Connection Source. We have to log into the server and then it pulls the info into the sheet. Im needing even if have to setup a conection myself first to just have this conection run every couple or two and update the excel sheet. We're using excel 03, Remedy 7.

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VS 2010 - Play Next Song Automatically?

Apr 18, 2011

Q1: how to play next song automatically? Q2: I dont want to fullname of Song like : d:mp3asshunter - dota125.mp3 (Only Basshunter - dota125 or Basshunter - dota125.mp3)but i need fullname of file to play song cuz my play button code Player.URL = ListBox1.SelectedItem

Q3: About my trackposition bar (name:trackbar2) song moves (back or forward) when i moved trackbar2 scroll (it's ok no problem)but trackbar2 scroll doesn't automatically move.


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VS 2010 Log In In A Browser Mail Automatically?

Mar 21, 2011

I want to have an email client in my vb using just the web browser of it.I want it to auto log in and will not display the log in page instead it will login automatically in the website.It will show directly your mail inbox or let you in automatically log in your email account.I will give the default password and username that will be use in the email account using a textbox found in my form.

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VS 2010 Refreshing Picturebox Automatically?

May 29, 2011

I'm new to VB programming and I'm trying to develop a program where you browse and select a picture, then it opens in a Picturebox. Afterwards you can choose to open that same picture in paint. My question is, after opening it in paint, making changes to it and saving the picture, how can I make it refresh automatically on the Picturebox with the new changes ? The code I'm using to open my image in paint is the following :


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Indexing Button In 2010 - Control The Value Of X Automatically?

Feb 27, 2012


What must i do for the program to control the value of x automatically? that is, suppose i click on btn1, value of x must become 0; if i click on btn2, value of x must become 1 and so on.

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VB 2010 - Picturebox - Image Automatically Crops Itself

Nov 14, 2010

1. i create a widows form application.
2. i place a picture box in the form.
3. i import a picture.
4. I run the program, (there is no code, simply a picture in a picturebox)

when i do this the image automatically crops itself! it zooms in on a piece of the image i have in the picture box. I have tried different picture types eg JPEG, PNG, BITMAP, GIF etc, same result. I have reinstalled visual basic 2010 Express. Still same problem.

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VS 2010 : ID Should Increase Automatically When New Record Added

Sep 10, 2011

When new record is added, I want the vb to look at the last record in the database, look at its id, add 1 to it (+1) and generate a new number and display it in the IDTextBox.

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VS 2010 To Combo Box Control - Automatically On What Continent Is It

Oct 16, 2011

I`m trying to write simple program to choose any country and program automatically tell U on what continent is it... I add on form 1 combo box it`s name "combobox2" and 1 label it`s name "txtcountry" and on "txtcountry" visible is false. I think that when I or any customer choose any country, only after that label will be say on what continen is it I write this code


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2008/2010 - Automatically Click Buttons In A Sequence?

Mar 15, 2012

Visual Basic 2008/2010 - How do I automatically click buttons in a sequence?I have about 15 buttons that automatically goto a website, then it clicks on certain links and does save as page. They are working beautifully, now i have to automate this process. already have a code in place to wait for the website to finish with each button so i am not sure if i can still use a timer to complete this process?

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VS 2010 - Automatically Adding Namespaces To Classes Within Folders

Jul 26, 2010

Is it possible to have visual studio 2010 automatically add namespaces to classes within folders just like c#?

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VS 2010 - Form Automatically Scrolling To Selected Item

Mar 31, 2011

I have template designer form with scroll bar and maximized mode in MID form. Now, when I click on any of the item of ListBox placed at the the middle of the form, form automatically scrolls to the selected item. Is there any way to prevent auto scrolling?

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VS 2010 - How To Create Tables Automatically In MySQL Database

Sep 15, 2011

My project is about recipes. I want to automatically create table inside in mysql database when I hit the add button on my project through codes. First is when I input recipe name in the textbox1 then my input will be saved in the recipes table under recipe name column and also create a new table through codes on what i input in the textbox1

Example of my database in sql
texbox1 input will be save here
recipes - id, recipename
And then it will also automatically create a new table in mysql database, create newtable, with id, quantity ,unit, ingredients

Private Sub iadd()
Dim command As New MySqlCommand("insert into recipes (recipename) values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "')", connection)
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - XML ReplaceChild Automatically Add Unwanted NameSpace Attribute

Apr 26, 2012

I am building a tool that takes an XML document and replaces XML nodes with a different XML node using .ReplaceChild. This all works great. The nodes get changed to the proper nodes. Where I seem to be having an issue is that the new node is inserted with an xmlns="" attribute, which I am not specifying for it to do, nor do I want as an attribute. How can I stop the ReplaceChild from inserting this as an attribute, or am I going to have to remove the attribute after the node is replaced?

Dim imgSrcNode As XmlElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("img")
Dim imgSrcAttr As XmlAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("src")
imgSrcAttr.InnerText = "./art/" + imageName.Substring(0, imageName.LastIndexOf("."))
mmlNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(imgSrcNode, mmlNode)

Resulting XML change:
<img src="./art/equJI161298_1" xmlns="" />

XML change desired:
<img src="./art/equJI161298_1" />

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VS 2010 DataGridView Sorting - Don't Want That Column Sorted Automatically?

Mar 27, 2011

I have a DataTable in a DataGridView, one of the columns has data that I want sorted. I can click on the column header to sort it and it's fine. The problem is that I don't want that column sorted automatically when some of the data changes in it. I want it sorted only when I click on the header.

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2008/2010 - Automatically Download A File From A Website That Generates?

Oct 13, 2011

2008/2010 - automatically download a file from a website that generates

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How To Determine Connection State Of 'Automatically Connected Database' In 2010

Sep 22, 2011

I've searched the forums but never seems to find an answer for this one.. I recently connected to MySQL database server "Automatically" in Visual Studio 2010. I want to know if there's a way to determine the connection state for "Automatically created" connections in Visual Studio 2010. I know how to do it for"programmatically created" connections but just want to know how on the auto-generated ones.

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VB 2008 / 2010 - Automatically Download A File From A Website That Generates

Mar 15, 2012

I have a website which has a section under maintenance with a button called create a new file - when you click on this button it does a backup and generate a filename on the same page called *.tbf - the filename changes each time you click on create a new file


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VS 2010 : Program Not Running On Other Pcs?

Jun 14, 2012

I have developed a program with vb2010, created an installer with installaware and installed the program on my develop laptop and on my normal desktop pc (both win 7 64bits, but program runs on 32 bits).So on my laptop it run perfectly, but when I try to run it on my desktop pc, the only thing I see is the admin message (the program needs admin rights) and than nothing happends (even checked the taskmanager, it shows the program for a short while and closes it even as fast as it opens).I don't know what went wrong, the installer checks the framework which is needed (4.0), but I have that already installed on my desktop pc.

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VS 2010 Get VB To Show Os Running?

Apr 2, 2012

ok what i want to do is for vb to show what os your running like xp vista and stuff like that also i want to make it if they are not running windows 7 they have to install a program but if running windows 7 for the button to be grayed out because they dont need to use it and if they are using xp vista the button will not be grayed out and you are able to click it is this possible.

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VS 2010 Running A Cmd File Within VB?

Aug 15, 2011

im v ery new to VB, im designing a game launcher within VB and everything is very simply done. I have 4 buttons currently, 3 of them link to websites and work a charm, but what i need is a 4th button to launch a game via a .cmd file. I tried by using simple commands like:

Shell("C:Program Files (x86)NCsoftAtomixatomix.cmd")and Process.Start("C:Program Files (x86)NCsoftAtomixatomix.cmd")

Both of these options worked in executing the .cmd but it caused an error within it. The cmd works perfectly fine when executed manually from its directory but when i try and execute it via the launcher i get an error.


Just tried it with a .bat file also getting the same issue of not being able to find the bin32

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VS 2010 Running Programs?

Jul 9, 2011

Yesterday I was using VS 2010 just fine, I was doing my code and hitting F5 and if all was right it ran.Today I start up my computer again and load up VS though and...F5 does nothing and the little play button at the top is greyed out. This is the same on any of the programs I open up.How do I let myself test programs again?

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VS 2010 Running The Program (exe)?

Sep 15, 2011

I have made a program.Copied the .exe file from "...my documents...indebug"onto an External harddisk.But when I put the harddisk into another pc and launch the program.I can not run it!It says something like "Missing .NET framework 04.03...." or something.Do i need to install VB on that pc too?Or do I need to update the framework? I'm tryin to run the program on a pc. Where I got NO admin-rights.

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VS 2010 - Running Application In Background?

Jun 2, 2011

Is it possible to start an application not being visible? This application is a batch application and my application would look way better if I could hide this batch.

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VS 2010 : Running A Flv File In The Form?

Oct 27, 2010

If I have an flv file how can I display the flv to play inside 2010? I tried the web browser function which will display a function like loading the page, but I am only interested in playing the file itself, is there a way to load a specific player that will load the flv file?

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VS 2010 : Running Dos Console Commands?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm having trouble opening and running DOS commands through VB Express.I'm trying to have VB open a command console and enter path to a batch file. So far I have not been able to get VB to open a console and enter any text.[URL} Here is the code I am using right now (without success)

Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal longPath As String, ByVal shortPath As String, ByVal shortBufferSize As Int32) As Int32
Private Sub des_date_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles des_date.Click


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VS 2010 : Use Controls While A Loop Is Running?

Oct 4, 2011

Basically what I have are two loops, one inside the other, that will run until the given condition is met. Exactly what I want. My problem is that I want to be able to use the controls, like buttons, while a loop is going on.

I originally did not think of this until I had built this part of my program, what I want to know is if there is a way to use controls while a loop is going on or if their is an alternative.

1)I know timers can be used to meet these goals, but they did not work out as I had hoped and using two timers (1 to represent each loop) I do not believe is efficient.

2)I have considered using recursion, but have found this may not be very efficient either and am not quite sure if this will do what I want.

These loops run as long as the number the user inputted. So it could theoretically run for 100,000+ times. I am not looking for speed, but it would be good if there were a faster method that allowed me to use controls while it loops.

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VS 2010 Check For Running Program

Sep 30, 2011

I need my program to check if a program is running. The program i'm talking about is Need For Speed World. (NFSW).If the program is running then, I want Label1 to say "Running". And if not: "Not Running".

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VS 2010 Check If Process Is Running?

Jun 8, 2012

I have a label on my form called label1.text, I was wondering if it would be possible to display a text if there are more than 1 process running? The process I would like to check is the current exe (the windows application I'm creating)

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