Which Files To Use For Update

Sep 2, 2010

Have a small application (forms) that I want the clients to be able to update.I am using one location on the server to store updates, and one for the original installer zip. Could this be a problem, in that both need to be in the same place?The app is in its infant stage at the moment, but I'd like to get it to update from day one.Which files do I need to put on the server in order for the app to update. At the moment I've tried the '*.application' file, and the 'Application folder' & its contents.

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Update And Modify Text Files?

Mar 21, 2009

i have a project that requires me to make a unit converter. the units should be defined within the program. i have reached a point where i save the defined units in a text file for a simple example converting meters to kilometers where it gets divided by 1000 i made the program to save the a string in a text file to represent that as:

which means it gets multiplied by 0.001 anyway the problem that i'm facing that when i want so save another units in the same file the previous units gets deleted. how to make the program update the text file that it adds the new defined units in the same file but before that it looks in the test file if the unit is already exists and if it does it will replace it with the new value

is it possible to read a string just before the second comer? foe example if the string in a file is: meter,kilometer,0.001 it will read it as: meter,kilometer and is it possible just to read the last value? 0.001

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Update The Main Exe And Related Files In The App Dir?

Nov 30, 2010

what methods use to update the main exe and related files in the app dir?

im using a seperate exe which runs with admin priviledge which downloads and replaces files as necessary.

my app downloads a text file and checks the version in that. if newer than settings.version then it runs the updator.exe and then closes.

the file downloaded also contains links to all new updates. the updator reads from this file then downloads as neccessary. then deletes the file and closes

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.Net Framework 4.0 - Update Random Data Files

Apr 13, 2011

I have a VB 6.0 application that works with random data files... Now I have to create a .Net 4.0 application that generates and update random data files.... Net Framework 4.0 can work with random data files ? Does it support again this old tecnology ?

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All Objects That Are Used With Video Files : Add And Update And Delete?

Jan 4, 2011

1- How to add ?

2- The best in i/o file or in sql database.

3- how to add & update & delete.

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Error With Text Files When Update Within The Program

Jun 6, 2011

I use text files to hold the program data, which is loaded in to variables when the program starts. I use StreamWriter to write to the text files when they update within the program. This is fine although the writer adds a extra line when I do not want this, which causes the program to error on the next use.


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Update Excel Files Using .net (Windows Form)?

Dec 3, 2009

I have two, soon to be many spreadsheet files. There are cell references between the files which need to be updated. I would write this in a excel macro but these spreadsheets are design tables for Solidworks, a CAD system and it does not allow macro enabled workbooks. So what I would like to do is push a button and open all of the spreadsheets, accept the update workbook prompt then save and close the files.

I've seen a similar command developed by someone using the Soildworks API but updating design tables in solidworks takes ALOT of time to run compared to just opening and closing spreadsheets.I am using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 along with Excel 2010 Beta 2 (I like to have the new things)

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Update Existing Folder With New Updated Files?

Jul 6, 2009

im having a problem with replacing some files in a folder, i have made a Auto Upater for a application im making (so beta testers can test it and also get updated stuff to test) now i can replace the Main application.exe with

If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\test.exe") Then
File.Replace(Application.StartupPath + "\update\test.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\test.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\test.exe.old")
End If

This is after i have unziped the main update.zip folder it downloaded

but i also have a Data folder in the Main application folder and inside the new update\Data folder its has updated files now i cant list all files to replace like above as i want be replacing all files all the time, so im looking for something like you have on windows (would you like to replace files) without the prompt its just replaces them, so really im looking for a move and replace without prompting

i have tryed

Directory.Move(Application.StartupPath + "\update\Data", Application.StartupPath + "\Data")


Directory.Move(Application.StartupPath + "\update\Data\", Application.StartupPath + "\Data\")

but it errors saying the folder exists and i cant delete the folder as it will have files in that DONT need updating

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VS 2008 Ways To Update Application Files?

Mar 16, 2010

I am looking to get some information on updating my own applications. Because what I have to do at the moment is replace the files every time it changes so I would like to know what are the options available starting with the easier ones or does it involve any third party applications. For example I have noticed some applications checks the files before it starts up and then asks a user if he wants to update it

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Read Excel Files Without Having To Install Any Update In The Server?

Oct 18, 2011

I need to develop a service and install it into a w2003 box to read excel files a then process its info. The process is as follows, users will upload excel files using FTP and then my service must take those files, validate and then update a SQL Server DB.

The application runs fine on my computer but on the server it asks for the libraries but when I try to install the MS office 2003 Primary Interop Assemblies, system displays "Please install Microsoft Office 2003 before installing the product".

I'd prefer to stay away of any server upgrade as we should require OKs, etc.. so, is there a simple way to just read excel files without having to install any update in the server.

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.net - System.IO Will Copy Files But Fails To Update Destinations File Attributes?

May 25, 2010

I have a little vb.net script that will copy a file, set its attributes to Normal, update the file time, and then set back the attributes to match those of the source file.

If IO.File.Exists(Destination) Then IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)
IO.File.Copy(Source, Destination, True)
IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)


I however I'm encountering a quite strange problem. On some configurations, IO.File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc triggers an UnauthorizedAccess error, although the IO.File.Copy instruction worked very well.

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Update, Append, Delete And Populate The Records To The Various Files Based On Two Distinct Fields, Column A & F?

May 18, 2010

Currently working on a project to automate the input based on the Summary file (xls format)

1. I want to be able to do the following: update, append, delete and populate the records to the various files based on two distinct fields, column A & F (see attached file).

2. Researched the process, requires knowing VB codes, are you familiar with this language? If so, how can I simplify the process? Please advise.

3. The files will reside on the SPP.

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How To Maintain Application Modified Settings In The Settings Files After A Program Update

Sep 8, 2009

Is there a way to maintain application modified Settings in the settings files after a program update? i.e. I have 10 or so values in the settings file and the users can modify them... when I send a program update they revert back to what I initially programmed them to be.

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Asp.net - If Status=false Then Update Should Change To Insert And If Status=true Then Update Should Be Update Itself?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a gridview in which when I click edit, update, and cancel button comes. I have a variable named status. If status=false then update should change to insert and if status=true then update should be update itself.

<asp:TemplateField >
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit">


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C# - Stop AJAX Update Taking Place In One Update Panel From Another Update Panel?

Sep 5, 2010

We have two update panels on our webpage. Now first update panel is having button cancel. While second update panel is having a file upload control.Now if the user uploads a file that is going to upload in about 2 mins, and in between, say after 30 seconds the user clicks the cancel button, the upload taking place in update panel 2 should stop.

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Syntax Error On Update STATEMENT - Update A Row Within A Access 2007 Database

Nov 15, 2011

update statement, i am trying to update a row within a access 2007 database here is my code.


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Sql Update - Update Database With The Value 40'6"(Feet And Inches Values)

Apr 15, 2012

I am using vb.net with access database. I am using sql. How can i update database with the value 40'6"(Feet and inches values)

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DTABASE NOT UPDATING - Error (update Requires A Valid Update Command When Passed Datarow Collection With Modified Rows)

Sep 28, 2009

I have an issue with a data base updating it won't update for me in debgging mode it is stopping here on this bit of code which is highlighted in red. the error which comes up is .(update requires a valid update command when passed datarow collection with modified rows.)

Public Sub UpdateDataSource(ByVal ChangedRows As database.dataset1)
'The data source only needs to be updated if there are changes pending.
If (Not (ChangedRows) Is Nothing) Then


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Asp.net - Updatepanel Doesn’t Update Correctly - Must Click Twice To Update

Feb 18, 2011

I am using an update panel and when I click a button it will update all the panels. updapanel1.update() is very simple, but my data is not updating unless I hit the button twice. My gridviews shows data for a selected user, and then all the grids reflect that users data. works fine all the update panels work for the gridviews. Now for somereason when i try to do a row count and update the panel with the summary, it does not work, i get either the previous users summary or if i hit update again for the same user i get the correct data.


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DataRow Update - Does Not Update The Access Database And No Error

Jun 26, 2009

What is wrong with this code. It does not update the access database and no error.

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection

Dim sqlQRY As String = "SELECT * FROM StdMaster WHERE StuNo = " & txtStudentNo.Text & " ORDER BY StuNo"


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Gridview Doesn't Update Insert/update Commands

Jul 21, 2010

I have a gridview that is set to a sql datasource, it is generating the columns automatically. If I add a column to the table it is referencing, it will draw that column and display it, but it does not update the insert/update commands to include the new column. Is there any way have it rebuild those commands automatically?

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Update MySQL DatabaseThrough Datagridview Update Command?

May 25, 2010

I have been on a database project for a while now. I wanted to be able to make changes to my database using the update command of a Datagridview control.However, I have been faced with a series of unsuccessful outcomes.I want to do this how do I go about it?


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Update Particular Record Using Update Query In SQL Server With Program?

Dec 2, 2010

How to use this query to update record [code]....

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.net - LINQ Update Method Doesn't Update The Db?

Nov 5, 2010

Public Sub UpdateStaff(ByVal sr As StaffRecord)
Dim oldSr As StaffRecord
Dim q = From staff In db.StaffRecords Where staff.Employee_Number = sr.Employee_Number Select staff
oldSr = q.First
oldSr.Address_Line1 = sr.Address_Line1


The helper function I have written seems to do everything I want apart from update the db. Stepping through the code, the oldSr is updated by the new sr parameter but no update on submit changes.

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Asp.net - Make Update Panel Not Update Whole Page?

Oct 16, 2011

I have an update panel that has a table in it with 4 images. Every few seconds a new image is shown. All this works but when the image changes the whole page is refreshed. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and VB.Net 3.5.I only want the images in the updatepanel to refresh. How can I do that?

UpdatePanel Code:
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upImgSwitch" UpdateMode="Always">
<table height="200px" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


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Update Command - Errors On The Da.Update Line

Jun 12, 2011

Here's my code

Dim suppQuery As String = "SELECT [Supplier ID],[Company],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email Address],[Mobile Phone],[Office Phone],[Address],[City],[ZIP/Postal Code],[Notes] FROM [Suppliers]"
Dim dsSupp As New DataSet
Dim daSupp As New OleDbDataAdapter(suppQuery, cnPharma)


It errors on the da.Update line and by the way if it helps, the text fields are a product of datarowview. that is when you select an item on the listbox the details of that appears on the text fields. and my goal is i could edit those text fields and save them.

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Update Datagridview After Update On Ok Click Event?

Apr 22, 2011

Objective to clear the datagrid view after updating. This should happen when the user clicks the OK button when the update is confirmed. Below is what i have.I currently have

Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click
'This updates datsource


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Update Query Executes But Doesn't Update

May 27, 2010

[code]The query executes fine but the problem is that when this query executes, it doesn't update the percentage field. What might be the problem?

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Update Several Records Using UPDATE Command At One Time?

Jan 27, 2010

We know:"UPDATE tt SET Points=" & iPoints & " WHERE Ref='" & sRef & "'"Can we update several records using UPDATE command at one time?

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VB - .Net - Da.Update(ds) - Data Sometimes Didn't Update Or Change

Apr 7, 2011

Why is it sometimes when I update a data using da.update(ds), the data sometimes didn't update or change... for example i want to change the name or number n a record, sometimes there is no changes..


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