Easiest Way To Write And Engine For Importing Files Of Common Formats?

Dec 1, 2009

I am writing an application where data can be gathered from many different places and graphed against other data. However the data from all the different places is coming in different formats such as .csv, .txt and some others i can't recall right now.So i am wondering what is the easiest way to allow my program to import the data supplied in these different formats?

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Write The Code For VB Search Engine?

Aug 14, 2007

writing a search engine for my database. I use Visual Vasic 6.0 Express Edition and i have a database which i want to be connected to a search engine. Can any1 teach me how to write the code?

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C# - Game Engine/Platform To Use In Order To Write Once And Deploy Everywhere?

May 24, 2012

Basically, I want to design a strategy game, where most of the game will be spent in menu areas and making "decisions" (like a Tycoon style game), however, there will still be some graphics, and I would prefer 3D, but if not possible, can resort to 2D. The graphics aren't user controlled, but the moving objects will be the result of the "decisions" the players make.

I really just want to write it once, and have it run on the following Platforms:

Windows Desktop
iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
Android Phones (not strictly required)

(any other platforms would just be a bonus, but at the absolute minimum, all i really want is Windows Desktop and iOS [iPhone, iPod, iPad]).

Now, I don't want to learn objective-c or any other languages which i may have no use for in the future, I really just want to be able to program in Visual Studio (VB.Net or C#, since I can convert from vb.net to c# I will just be writing it in vb.net).

Is it possible to write in vb.net/c# and deploy to all these platforms? I heard of MonoTouch, so i can convert from vb to c# but is this seemless or difficult to do? Do I have to learn and write in another language in order to make tweaks to make it work on the iPhone or Android? So, with MonoTouch, can I still use XNA or is there a different engine that I need to learn/use with Visual Studio?

Alternatively, if I cannot do this all in VB.NET or Visual Studio, what programming language and/or graphics engine should I learn in order to be able to write once and deploy everywhere that is relevant? (So, not fussed about Linux, Mac's or other less used OS's).

Right now, I haven't learnt XNA but am wondering if I should or need to, or if i should learn another engine & language. Basically, I don't really know what I need to learn/know in order to be able to write once and deploy on Windows Desktop, iOS (iDevice's) and maybe Android. So, my question really is, what do I need to learn in terms of both the programming language and game/graphics engine. Right now I know VB.NET and would prefer to use what I know, but if not possible, then am prepared to learn another language & engine combination to be able to achieve what I want, if this is what I need to do, I would like to know what language & engine I need to learn.

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Write A Program To Simualte And Optimise Engine Balancing?

Oct 24, 2010

Im pretty new to VS but have used it to write a program to simualte and optimise engine balancing. Just a simple dynamics/kinematics system.However, I recently reformated my PC, and since reinstalling everything, I can now no longer run the project I wrote correctly.There are no errors present in the code (In Form1.vb), but there are 2 errors and 5 warnings in Form1.Designer.vb.The error are:'Type AxMSFlexGridlib.AxMSFlexGrid is not defined''Type AxMSFlexGridlib.AxMSFlexGrid is not defined'

Am I just being really stupid, and does anyone have any suggestions? Have I forgot to install some software?

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Importing All Files In A Folder (all Excel Files) Into A Single Table In An Access Database

Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to import a bunch of excel 2003 files all with A:H columns and they are under the same headings etc. into a table in access 2003 database. This is a module in access im making. Im using a file search to look for every file that begins with Format (which they all do ) to get at all the files in the folder path. is there a more efficient way to do this? somehow select all files in a folder? and import each to the same table in access? The DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet seeems to take each file path individually so I'm not sure how to get each file name in the folder to import it.

I have this at the moment:

Sub Import()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb


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Write An Application That Performs Common Systems Tasks From A Single Location?

Feb 26, 2010

I am wanting to expand my programming knowledge base and the only way I know to do that is to actually do stuff. I am wanting to write an application that performs common systems tasks from a single location. Just simple things like deleting text files, maybe displaying drive space, etc. In order to even begin to do this I have to understand more about the my.computer class in VB. Does anyone have some good info that breaks this class (and possibly related classes) down hierarchically? MSDN offers a lot of info but doesn't really give a lot in the way of explaining how certain classes are interrelated.

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VS2010 Projects With Common Files?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a vb.net project that has 2 exe's that get built as well as the installer. The two exe's share a bunch of common files. I do not want to have two copies of the common files or mess around with having build events that copy things around (if possible).My method was to create two projects in the same folder and have them point to the files they needed.This appeared to work until I tried to compile both apps at which point I get an error in a file called Application.Designer.vb. It seems that project files create this file in their folder and when I have two solutions in the same folder they conflict.

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Namespaces - Including Common Code In Multiple Files?

Jun 19, 2012

I'm new to the .NET platform (old-time ASPer) and for a project have a simple pair of .aspx scripts that take some querystring data and process it. They both make use of the same Subs, Functions in them, so naturally I'd like to move the code to a common resource.vb file. Having done some reading, it looks like my options are a Code-Behind type setup, and placing the Subs, Functions in a .vb file and placing that file in App_Code.So, the Code-Behind model doesn't seem to make sense here, as the functions are shared by both files. Placing the Subs and Functions in /App_Code/resources.vb and I am getting the following error when trying to call any of the routines:

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Common Dialog File Multiselect + Explorer Not Showing Files Selected?

Jan 30, 2007

i have a vb script that is imbeded in an html page (hta). when i use the common dialog flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect the file list is present in the filename object and are separated by a space. however when i use dialog flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect Or cdlOFNExplorer the files that i selected on the dialog box, are not present in the filename object. the only thing that's there, is the path to the files. here's the code:

Const cdlOFNAllowMultiselect = 512Const cdlOFNExplorer = 524288Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")ObjFSO.Filter = "All Files|*.*"ObjFSO.FilterIndex = 1
ObjFSO.InitialDir = "c:" ObjFSO.Flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect or cdlOFNExplorerinitFSO = ObjFSO.ShowOpen selected_files = ObjFso.FileName msgbox selected_files

how can i get the files names?

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Importing Files In VB 2008?

Jun 8, 2011

"How to import or put Microsoft 3d Movie maker in VB 2008?"

I have searched in internet but got none.. I also tried to but I don't get it.

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Forms :: Listbox - Program That Takes Common Applications And Installs Them Silently Using Batch Files

Aug 21, 2010

I'm making a program that takes common applications and installs them silently using batch files. Someone would select the programs they would want to install and my program will write a giant batch file and execute it to install whatever they want. Heres the problem, After the user selects the programs they go into either one or two lists. Non Silent Installer List Or Silent installer list.

Some programs I have simply won't go silently so from there they can choose in what order they want to install these programs. Then there is a combo box that tells weather you want to install non silent programs first or last. From there you hit add to batch file and it would add everything in listbox1 and listbox2 in order. Listbox1 would contain just the text "MalwareBytes" for example. Along with Novell Groupwise and Firefox. How do I get that to add to the Batch List as a code and in order? So the user wants Malware bytes added first to the batch file. How do I add that to my batch list as a completely different code?


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CRD Files - Importing Directly Into Program?

Dec 17, 2010

We use a program, called CFPS (a flight planning program) and it creates different flights. I can export this file to a CRD-type. When I open it in Wordpad or something, it looks very familiar to a XML-file ("<item></item>...")...but I don't find a way to read it. What is the best way to handle this problem? It would be time saving if I can import these files directly in my program.

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Importing CSV Files With Windows Forms?

May 2, 2011

I am building a small Windows Forms application. I need to 'read in' CSv files into the application.

I am using StreamReader to read the CSV files into the application. That is no problem. On my Form I have a text box, 3 Buttons and 2 data grids. With the first 'browse' Button I am using OpenFileDialog to select which CSV file I want to display in the first grid.

Then I want to use a 'convert' button to display the information from the CSV file in a much more 'user-friendly' manner in the second grid. Lastly I want to use my 'export' button to export the converted file to excel.

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Importing Text Files Into Database

Sep 10, 2009

I barely know VB at all, but I managed to build an application with it, to import some text files into a database. So my problem that is left is that I need to install the application on the server and setup the scheduled task. I have the setup project built, but I can't figure out how to publish it so I can put it onto a CD. I am working in Visual Studio 2005.

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Write A Little Program That Checks For A Process - ,,Cheat Engine" Is Running The Process Is Getting Killed?

Oct 13, 2009

i am trying to write a little program that checks for a process and kills is.here is the

Dim p As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine")(0)

My problem is it�s woking ,yes if the programm ,,Cheat Engine" is running the process is getting killed.But if the program is not running my program crashes.

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Importing And Parsing Text Files Hex Code?

Aug 20, 2009

I am try to import a text file read it's hex code search for a specific string and replace it with a different string. and write the changed file. I so far have a why to browse for the file on my form but not sure what to do from there.A

Public Class Form1
Public fdlg As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Importing Solution Files With Windows Forms?

Jan 4, 2011

I am working on a vb.net Windows Forms application.I want the application to import Visual Studio Solution files from versions 2005 & 2008 (elsewhere on my Hard Disk).I am using Visual Studio 2010. I want the applicaton to find the files entitled - 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 # Visual Studio 2010.' Thyese are the files I need. I aso know that it will find files - 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00 # Visual Studio 2005'.Under is my code thus far. Maybe someone can give me some advice as how to make sure that the applications returns the correct Sln files?



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Database - Importing Mp3 Files Metadata In Microsoft Access?

Apr 18, 2012

I want to make a database of my media collection for my application. I want to create a library for that. Now what i want is that user should be able to add his own song to the database. How can i access mp3 files metadata in my database? How to update that database using my application.

PS: My application is a media player made in Visual Basic using Visual Studio?

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Importing And Summing Excel (xls) Or Delimited Text Files?

Mar 18, 2011

how to best go about this project. I have just been given the task of creating a program that will primarily be used to import and sum a excel or text file that is tab delimited. As a quick example the file would be in the following format:[URL]The problem is that I would need to store this information locally (unless you know better) because I need to be able to append information to this from a second (or third, fourth, etc...) file and re-sum it, lets say that this is the second excel file that I needed to sum:


I would have to append the week5 and week6 columns and add the Neapolitan row to my summation. This program will then format the sums into a list of the different flavors and the sums of all products sold during the total weeks and output to a text file.I have informed my employer that it would be easiest to do this with a VB script in excel, however, they are adamant that they want this done in VB.NET with a GUI.

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VS 2005 Importing Delimited Text Files To Excel With .NET

Nov 11, 2009

I need to dump a bunch of delimited data to Excel. In VB6 days, I would save the data to a text file, then use ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add (blah blah blah...) to import the data to Excel (I got this code from recording a macro while manually importing a text file).In VB.NET (2005), QueryTables does not appear to be an option for ActiveSheet.I could take the long path and manually parse thru the data writing to individual cells - however if I could just import it, it would be much faster.Part of the issue is not being able to record a macro in Excel in .NET format.So my primary question is, how do I import a delimited text file in to Excel without having to manually parse the data into individual cells.Secondary question is any tips for not being able to have ready made examples (in VB .NET format) by recording a macro.

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.net - Bulk Importing Text Files / VB2005 / SQL Server 2005?

Aug 12, 2011

I've inherited a .NET app to support / enhance which reads in a couple of files of high hundreds of thousands of rows, and one of millions of row.The original developer left me code like :-

For Each ModelListRow As String In ModelListDataArray
If ModelListRow.Trim.Length = 0 Or ModelListRow.Contains(",") = False Then


and it takes an age (well, nearly half an hour) to import these files.

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VS 2008 List Files In A Directory + Write The Result In A Text Files?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to create a program which will read the files that exist in a directory, and then write in a text file the specific information (full file name, date created)i have found several code in the site but i cant make it work, the machine i am running the code is XP and i am using VB2008.The code i have found is the following:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.String


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VS 2010 Code Commonality - All Files Share Common Code ?

Jan 22, 2012

Wondering if it is possible. It works on the idea that all files share common code. The program would ideally analyse the source file and compare it to the reference files. It would then find common parts of the code and write it to a rebuild file. At the end the rebuild file and the reference files would then be able to rebuild the source file without it being present.

For Example.

source file code = xxyyzyzyxw
ref file 1 = xyxxzyzxwyy
ref file 2 = zxxwyzzywxx

The program would then analyse these files and make a rebuild file like the following

source(0,1) = ref1(2,3)
source(2,3) = ref1(10,11)
source(4,7) = ref2(5,6) + ref2(5,6)
source(8,9) = ref2(2,3)

Thus you would be able to build the source file using these instructions and the reference files.

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Search Engine - Search In Directory With Its Sub Directories And Txt Files

Apr 11, 2011

one of the BIG hurdles in my simple project, making a search engine. I don't know how at all. The search engine need only to search in one Directory with its sub directories and txt files for criteria, and display the results, with option open from the results. any basic code or example maybe?

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Write - Save - Read .txt Files (or Html Files)

Mar 14, 2011

I want to develop an application which can Write, Save, Read text files(or html files) What I want the application to do is. When I open my application I can write stuffs and then it will save it to my hosting/server. Then, the application will read the text which I already save.. So far, I can only make the application read it by using WebBrowser control and navigating it to a specified URL. Example: [URL](or message.txt) Which I modified from the website not from the application. I want to modify the text or html files from my application.

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Easiest Way For Printing Form

Jun 6, 2011

I need the best and easist way for printing the form ,nested of PrintForm tool. com it is very bad :angry:,it prints the form like screen shot :angry: ,what I want print entire form on A4 .

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Easiest Way To Publish Project To Wep?

Nov 9, 2011

how if it possible to publish program straight to wep. I asked before another question about publishing and making setup files, that worked well. But now I have finished other of my programs and I want to know can I somehow add it straight to wep site? I have now used suntuubi.com as own wep site, it's not the best but its free :) And I have usually posted a link to download setup from mediafire (or some other) but can I run that program from my page without any downloads? I made that program with windows forms application, do I need to use wbf broswer application? ( if so, can I somehow fastly switch it without making everything again?) And one more, if it is possible in some other wep site than suntuubi.com can you recommend it?

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Easiest Way To Store Data

Mar 31, 2011

I've just finished an application which does everything I want within the Visual Studio environment now I need a way to store the data the user creates but I've never had to do it before and am a bit lost. I've spent days trying to use XML to do this but to no avail mainly cos my classes use ArrayLists as properties and it gets a bit beyond me. I've been told that ArrayLists were not the best choice for this and would be prepared to change my design if need be if I thought the end to this problem was in sight.

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Easiest Way To Verify If A Number Is Odd Or Even?

Jan 10, 2011

What is the easiest way to verify if a number is odd or even?I'm setting up a program, and it is checking if a user input number is even or odd, if its odd, it runs this, if even, it runs this.Its a simple if/then, else statement.

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Easiest Way To Send Emails In 2005

Jun 21, 2010

I was wondering how is the easiest way to send a email thru VB .NET 2005. I want to send a email every 5 minutes a certain text (that I have no problem the only problem is how to send the email with the address, server address, user name, password, etc).

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