Items In TextBox - Removing It From A Textbox If They User Unchecks The Item?
Aug 31, 2010
I have a checkListBox with items. I want a textbox to contain the items were checked. How can I go about removing it from a textbox if they user unchecks the item?
Private Sub frdList_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles frdList.ItemCheck
Dim item As String = frdList.SelectedItem[code].....
Heres some test code I used. Just a checklistbox on the form with this code-behind:
Dim list As New List(Of String) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load For i = 0 To 10 list.Add("Test " + i.ToString)
I use a list to keep track of the items in the listbox, so if I remove one of those items from the listbox I want to also remove it from the list using the same index.If you use this code and load the form and then check all the items, youll notice that when you uncheck one it will remove the item and THEN also uncheck the next item...why is that?
Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?
I have a ListView object with the View property set to Details.I also have the CheckBoxes property set to True. Now, how do I get the user's input if they choose to check a box? Right now I am using the ItemCheck event, but that code runs even when I add something to the ListView object.What is the proper way to handle the event of when the user checks/unchecks a checkbox?
I am building an app. that needs some input from the user, the user will have to move a (selected textbox) by clicking a button. The TextBox will have to move 20 points down or up from corent location by clicking a button.
I am trying to put text of my dynamic textbox in some other textbox when user changes the selectedindex of a list.But dont know why it is giving me error's.
Private Sub UserText_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UserText.TextChanged If Me.ListBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then If TBnew.createdTB(Me.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) = 1 Then
I want a text in my textbox in gray that dissapears when the user clicks in the textbox.I am not sure if that is a good enough explanaition so here is an example:You often have search boxes on websites or application.In the searchbox there often is a text like "search", "keyword", "type here".As soon as you click with your mouse inside the textbox it dissapears.I could make this in code but I was wondering if there already is a textbox property for this?
I use a button to locate a file, and it puts the location in the textbox as "C:file.exe"I need the "" so when a user select a folder with a space in it it wont see it as a new input.[code]But later i need the same location of the textbox but without the "" (Chr(34))charachters.How can i make it so it removes those characters out of the textbox?
I wrote a palindrome earlier for a project which I figured out but I talked to a friend in another class and he was having issues with how to take out the punctuation. I dont think it was required on mine but I am just currious how that could be done using commands such as str.lenght, or str.trim those basic commands. Here is my last post that is related
What I am trying to do is remove lines of a multiline TextBox based on certain criteria, such as the number of characters or words. For example, if I paste a list of phrases into the TextBox, I want to remove all phrases that contain more than 25 characters. Once the phrases are removed, I then want to remove the empty lines that are left behind, but I have commented out the ".Replace(vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)" for the sake of making the results easier to follow (see screenshot from Excel below, which includes a blank cell wherever a phrase has been removed).
Here is my
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim lines() As String = TextBox1.Text.Split(vbCrLf)
Why is it not "blanking" the entire line in ALL cases where the line contains more than 25 characters?
Private Sub CopySelectedNodes(ByVal nodes As TreeNodeCollection) For Each node As TreeNode In nodes If node.Checked Then 'MessageBox.Show(node.FullPath) Me.CopySelectedNodes(node.Nodes) [Code] ..... This does not work, I want to loop through results so the textbox1 will be like 151,154,3,151, and I want to remove the last.
I have strMyString that contains about 5000 lines of data. There are some lines of data that need removing if they contain a certain string, such as "http", "www.", ".com", "cat", "fish", etc. The whole line needs removing. Each line is separated by a vbNewLine or similar.
How can I do that? Does it need pasting into a rich textbox first before processing?
i have a combobox containing countries name and their codes like INDIA:CNT001 then i have a textbox that store the code of country i.e CNT001(fetching from database) Now i want to match that code with the combobox code so that the combobox is set to that item when i click a button. i m using and sql server as database.
As some of you are aware of, I am fairly new to VB.NET. I am trying to learn as much as I can. I have a textbox which is set to multiline. It's setup to accept a maximum of 500 characters (10 lines of 50). First of all, since it's size is fixed, how can I remove the right bar on the left as im not using it (the scrolling bar).
#2, once a user click on a button, I disable the textbox and display the text. I can set the background color, however it looks like when the textbox is disabled, text is gray and can't be changed. A fix I found is to use a label and hide the textbox, but are there any easier way ?
removing Listbox item from checked Listview item.The code I tried just errors out.
Private Sub ListView1_ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCheck If (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Unchecked) Then ListBox1.Items.Add(Me.ListView1.Items(e.Index).Text) ElseIf (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Checked) Then
At the moment it reads in what I have in a text file, splits it up based on where commas are placed and puts the split data into an array, i.e. if the text file is a,b,c it will split up the 3 characters and put them into an array.
What I want to know is, is it possible to write each item from the array into a new TextBox - in the same way that It adds 1 to the 'i' variable each time, except with each new item the TextBox it uses goes up by one, i.e. 'a' in TextBox1, then 'b' in Textbox2
I have found if you put a text box into a menustrip item everything under that menu no longer show it's properties when clicked and double clicking on the item does not got to the code until you click outside the menustrip. This behavior is only present when the menustrip render mode is system and only when a textbox is in that menu item. Fails with visual studio 2005 and 2010. Am using visual basic. Changing render mode from system to anything else makes everything work, change it back to system and it does not work. This only happens with a textbox in the menu strip item.
I'm converting a user generated list box to an array and then generating a user defined number of random strings and placing it in a textbox.The code I have works fine as it will generate the number of random strings the user wants, except sometimes a line is blank at the top of the list but is counted as a string.
Essentially I am trying to replicate the Windows 7 (In-Windows) activation key TextBox form. The Form where it will auto capitalize letters, remove or deny all non alphanumeric characters except dashes every 5 characters that will be auto-input.I assume this can be done with a fairly complicated replacement Regular Expression but I cannot seem to create one to fit the needs.
This is an Example of what I have right now, but it creates an infinite loop as it removes all characters including dashes, than adds a dash, which changes the text and removes the dash again.
I have a form with a textbox on it set to autocomplete custom collection from a database. Is there an event that fires when a user finds the value they want from the autocomplete list?
I searched in the forum and online and haven't found an answer to what I hope is a simple problem - I need to copy a 0 position listview item into a textbox programmically (i.e. without selecting).