Program For Catalogging And Then Later Searching For Cataloged Items

Apr 28, 2009

Trying to build a program for catalogging and then later searching for cataloged items. everything fine except the search page. it's one combo box to fill the second combo box - works fine then select somthing from the second cb and press select this "should" then fill the "rich text box" to the right of it with ALL data from my table that contains whatever variable was selected in the second combo box. filling the source isnt hard, getting it to display the correct items and the correct ammount in the rtxbox is I keep ending up with the rtx box displaying exactly whats in my second combobox.

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Using Listbox Items For Searching?

Sep 19, 2010

i want to select all items from listbox1 and then use that items for searching.if it finds the items, it will be displayed on listbox2 and if not, it will be displayed on listbox3.give a simple code for this? i am thinking of making listbox1 items into string so that it would be more easy for searching.

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C++ - Items Combination Searching Algorithm In C# ?

Jun 16, 2011

I have this DataTable

Function GetTable() As DataTable
myTable = New DataTable
myTable.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Integer))[code]....

return the Ids of X number of itmes (example 3) that the summation of their price equal Y (exmaple 100)

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Enable Searching Items Inside DataGrid?

Jan 17, 2011

I have put an Input box + Button in my main form to search items inside my DataGridView in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, i just dont know what codes to put in my button to enable searching items inside my DataGrid.

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VS 2008 - Searching For Active Program's Directory

Nov 30, 2009

I'm writing a small app that finds the directory of an active program and displays it in a message box. e.g. Microsoft Word is open and running... click a button and the app finds the Microsoft Word's directory. It has to be able to differentiate between the active program and inactive copy of the program.

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Program Searcher / Access Is Denied Searching Some Folders

Oct 3, 2010

My current project is to search the computer for exe files, I managed to do that easily with a for...each statement. It ran well, but it came to a adminstrator folder, then it said "Access Denied".I understand that you cant access these folders, but i was wondering how to exclude certain directories that the user can't access, like UAC or something.[code]

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Writing A Program/searching A Text File For Text

Apr 21, 2011

Write a program that requests a color as input in a text box and then determines whether or not the color is in the text file. The program should use the Boolean-valued Function procedure IsCrayola that returns the value True if the color in the text box is a Crayola color.

*I am to use a file named Colors.txt

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Add Items To ComboBox Using Program?

Apr 7, 2010

I have created a comboBox1 on an excel sheet with the following statement

Set MyCombo = Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Cells(10, 1).Left, Cells(10, 1).Top, 50, Cells(10, 1).RowHeight)

1.Now how to add items to the comboBox1.

2. How to create a comboBox 2 adjacent to comboBox1 when an item is clicked in comboBox1.

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Can't Add Items To Program 2008

Oct 5, 2009

I just reinstalled 2008 express edition, I registrate it and tried to add FreeTextBox.dll to the toolbox. I right-clicked in the toolbox, choose items and browse. I found the dll and Choosed it. In the choose items window it shows, it is checked, but when i click OK, it don't shows in the toolbox. I tried with the Ajax Control Toolkit to, but none of the items shows in the toolbox.

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Add Items Rows To A Listview WPF And Program?

Apr 4, 2010

It is so easy in windows form, but in wpf it seems to be different.[code]...

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Get Items From HTML List Using Program?

Mar 23, 2012

I need to get items from a html list from the code behind in my web site. Any thoughts on how this can be done? I want to use the list items then in an sql statement to retrieve data from a database.

Im using javascript on the front end to handle drag and drop between these two lists[code]...

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Program See If A String Contains Any Of The Items In An Array?

Aug 17, 2009

I need my program to check and see if it contains any of the items in an array. For instance I want the program to only filter .jpg png bmp and gif in a listbox when files are added, so I did this

If str.Contains(".Jpeg") Or str.Contains(".png") Or str.Contains(".bmp")Or str.Contains(".gif")Or str.Contains(".wmf")Then end if I want to have a a list of all these filetypes in an array or so and have it only checking in the whole array instead of typing each one.

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Program Which Will Delete Same Items In Listbox?

Jan 18, 2009

I need code for program which will deleting same items in listbox, for exampe

I really have:


And I want to have:


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Put Items Into Input Fields On Another Program?

May 17, 2009

I wanted to know if there was a way putting items into input fields on another program?

For example, if there is a login form, I want to be able to submit the user amen and password into the fields.

The program is a console program that only accepts keystrokes. It's a program for my work and I want to be able to login to the system, pull up reports and put the results into my form.

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Access Windows Items(?) From Inside A Program?

Oct 1, 2011

I am not really sure how to ask this question. I have been teaching myself vb for about 3 months. The book I am using is pretty good about explaining things and what I can't figure out I can find different examples on the web. I can't find out how to access windows control panels from my app. For example if I type firewall.cpl at the run line it will launch the windows firewall.

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Find A List Of Items Between 2 Listboxes Program?

Sep 15, 2011

I want to check for each item in list box if item exist then add it to listbox3[code]...

but it is very slow if there is way to search for list of items in listbox at once?

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Make A Program That Can Manage The Startup Items?

Oct 18, 2009

I dont know how to do this at all. How can I make a program that can manage the startup programs (ex. Disable, delete, enable, exc. the startup programs) I don't know where to start. On a separate note, how can I make a file that executes multiple programs? I will provide more detail if needed.

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Creating A Program That Allowes To Select Items From A Listview?

Dec 15, 2011

I am creating a program that allowes me to select items from a listview and save them in a .txt file.

Imports System.IO
Public Class cv7import
Private Sub cv7import_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Display Items That Are Checked From A TreeView In A ListBox Using Program?

Jun 14, 2010

How do I display Items that are Checked from a treeView in a listBox using VB?

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Select Next Index Of Listview Items In Program 2008?

Feb 6, 2012

I used the given below code to find the items of listview in my form[code]...

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VS 2008 - Writing A Program That Shows The Sales Tax Of Items?

Oct 4, 2009

I am a first time poster and fairly new to using VB 2008.I was having some trouble with writing a program that shows the sales tax of items (i.e cars, food, etc).


The buttons are in the middle and the four text boxes are marked with brackets and underscores.I know how to code the "clear" and "exit" button but I am having some difficulties with the calculate button.

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VS 2010 Program To Check The Number Of Items In A List Box?

Jul 6, 2010

I want the program to check the number of items in a list box, then send use that number to form a FOR loop and send each to the serial port individually. It actually sends everything, but the program always crashes after the last one saying that the sdprintcount variable is an invalid number for the index. I don't get it as this happens no matter how many items are in the list, and it always crashes on the last one. It sends it, but then it says the index number is invalid.

Dim sdmods As Integer
Dim sdmodsp As String
sdmods = sandwichmodlist.Items.Count


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Add, Edit & Delete Items In A List Of Geographical Coordinate In A Program?

Aug 21, 2010

In my project, I want to use Coordinates of a place (eg; London) which is selected from a list of several thousands of coordinates of places.

I thought of using comboBox / ListBox to display the list of the coordinates of places.

I want to know how to make this "editable"; ie: anyone using this program should be able to Edit / Add / Delete a coordinates of a place. And the newly added Place should be saved so that he/she can use it whenever it is needed.

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Cash Register Program With Separate Forms For The Items And The Display Form?

Jan 15, 2011

I have this cash register program with separate forms for the items and the display form. The code works untill you press the button 2x. It says 5.5 + 5.5 = 11.5??? Can you fix this code?

CashReg.ListBox1.Items.Add("Item 1")
Dim cash As String
cash = (5.5)[code]....

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Forms :: Write A Program For A List Box Having 10 Items In That Just By A Single Click On One Of The Item?

Dec 6, 2011

how to write a program for a list box having 10 items in that just by a single click on one of the item it should be written on the button if a list is containing notepad than by clicking on the button it should open the notepad?

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Forms :: Make A Program That Reads Text Entered Into A Textbox And Creates A List Of Items By Separating Entries By Commas?

Aug 18, 2010

Hi, I'm working on a program that reads text entered into a textbox and creates a list of items by separating entries by commas. Everything is working fine, except, because I am using an array to store the items in the list, I have a limited number of entries. This is only a problem because, as it is written currently, each comma counts as an individual entry. Therefore, users can enter ",,," for example, and it would use up 3 places in the array.

I'm looking for a way to check to make sure there is text after the comma before adding an entry. I've attempted to use the .substring command to check the character after, which works until it gets to the last character. Because there is no character after that, it will give an error.

Here is my code for extra clarity:

Public Class frmMain
Dim intCounter As Integer 'Stores the # of commas in the string
Dim Messages(49) As MessageProperties


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Visual Studio 2005 - Menu Items,Toolbar Items ,etc Displayed In Duplicate?

Jun 1, 2009

My visual studio 2005 has been running great up till now The menu items in the menu toolbar display exactly as follows:File File Edit Edit View View File File Edit Edit View View Tools Tools Tools Tools Window Window Community Community Help Help Window Window Community Community Help Help

Error List is displayed as follows:(I've excluded the icons)0 Errors 0 Errors 0 Warnings 0 Warnings 0 Messages 0 Messages The standard toolbar images are also displayed in 'duplicate'

This is before I open a project and visual studio is on the start page. The 'duplicates' do not go away even when a project is open.When project is open, Solution explorer displays duplicate images as well

I've tried all the following but still cannot get it to display normally. Restored my computer to a time when it was working ok. Full scan on my computer with AVG premium which includes spyware etc (No viruses , etc found) All software is updated fully

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Tool Strip Items Do Not Merge With The ToolStrip Items On Parent Form

Dec 19, 2009

Okay I have this two Forms.. one for the parent and one for the mdichild. I have a toolstrip menu in the parent with a button(with a pic) named close document.

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VS 2008 - Linq Statement To Go Through A Dropdown Menu's Sub Items And Get What Items Are Checked

Apr 8, 2010

I have the following linq statement to go through a dropdown menu's sub items and get what items are checked: vb Dim UnselectedItems = From xItem As ToolStripMenuItem In tsiSelectObjects.DropDownItems Where TypeOf xItem Is ToolStripMenuItem AndAlso CType(xItem, ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = False

I get this error tho: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem'. As you can probably guess i have ToolStripMenuItems and separators in there

However the AndAlso should short circuit in the case where the item is not a ToolStripMenuItem and it doesn't seem to be doing so (as TypeOf xItem Is ToolStripMenuItem=false in this case)?

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VS 2008 Count How Many Items Contain A Word In A Listview Box & Remove Items?

Sep 27, 2011

i have a listview box full of items, image below:

when i click a button i would like a msgbox to pop up displaying how many are alive.

How would i do this ?

Also how would i remove all items that status is "Dead"

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