Program That Writes Text To A .txt File?

Mar 19, 2012

i have this message program that writes text to a .txt file when i push a button and a filesystemwatcher that checks for when that file is changed and when it is it set the text of another textbox in my program to the text of the file. in the text i transport over there are usernames, i want the program to check to see if textbox contains that text then i want it to highlight or color or change the font of that text, or username. but i want it to just change the username's attributes not the whole text box,

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Running A Point Of Sale Program That Writes The Ticket Information To A Text File?

Apr 9, 2009

I am running a Point of Sale program that writes the ticket information to a text file and then prints the file.The problem I am running into on the one of the computers I am dealing with is that it prints the vbTab I am sending as one space. The computer is running Windows 2000 SP4 and has the .NET framework up to 2.0

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VS 2008 System.IO.File.WriteAllText Clears The Old Text And Writes New One

Dec 10, 2009


Basically when I open test123.txt it should countain "Hello World" but not really, only " World" is there.

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VS 2005 Small Console Application That Writes (TARGETDIR) From Msi Installer To A Text File

Oct 30, 2009

I have a small console application that writes the [TARGETDIR] from my msi installer to a text file.If I choose C:Program Files as the installation folder, it only writes out C:Program..What would you use so that it doesn't stop writing when there's a space? [code]

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Create A Tiny Program That Writes Itself?

Oct 30, 2011

I want to create a tiny program that writes itself. VB.

Basically, I start it off with the smallest coding possible. Then, I want it to be able to automatically generate buttons, forms, labels by itself. I want it to compile another version of itself, and to test if it worked. I want it to in someway to be able to ask the new application if it works, and if it does to close both and to run the newer variation, then to repeat this process. I guess this is kind of like a self-manifesting application that keeps growing; an AI perhaps. Is this possible?

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Quotations In Text Writes?

Jan 7, 2011

I am using:


My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("J: est.txt", "Text here", True)

to write text files and such. How would I do quotations in that text..say if I wanted to put in

Text Text "More Text" Text.for it to write.

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Create/get A Simple Program That Opens Up A Webpage, Writes To A Log If It Is Successful Or Not?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to create/get a simple program that opens up a webpage, writes to a log if it is successful or not, logs out and repeats 5 minutes later.I'm not a coder myself, and I have no coders available at my work, I do on the otherhand have access to Visual Basic .NET 2010.

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Develop A Text Editor For Writes Articles

Sep 13, 2011

I want to develop a text editor for writes articles and I want that the user can add hyperlink on any text. How can I do this?

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App That Reads From The Com Port, Filters The Data, Then Writes To The Text Box?

Mar 15, 2009

I am writing an app that reads from the com port, filters the data, then writes to the text box, then immediately starts over. This all takes place in an endless " do while" loop within the "start" button code. I also have a end button too which closes the com port and ends the program. Some other buttons are present also to change the filter settings.Problem is when I click start, data is logged, but none of the other buttons work. Also some of the text boxes are "see through" and dont look like thy have updated with the rest of the form.

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Function Writes A Key To A Specified File?

Oct 16, 2009

Let me explain the functions and what they do first.This function writes a key to a specified file:

Public Shared Sub WriteDatabaseKey(ByVal section As String, ByVal keyname As String, ByVal entrystring As String, ByVal filename As String, ByVal filepath As String)


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Code Opens A File In Example 1 And Writes On Another File Only The Lines?

Jan 16, 2010

The code below opens a file in Example 1 and writes on another file only the lines that satisfy the condition If times > 4 to another file. What I want to do is illustrated in example 2


t= 2 comes from Subtracting t= 11 - t= 9 from the script in example 1. I have scripts with thousands of lines every time the program should automatically subtract the next value with the previous one and write the result into a new file starting from t= 0

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Draw Text To Image - Hit Save Again It Writes The Text To The Background Image On PbMenu1?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm making a front end to dvdauthor.I have a picturebox which holds the menu background. In order to draw a textbutton on the background image I store the image in a hidden picturebox. So the text doesn't get drawn to the visible background.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each c As Control In pbMenu1.Controls
If c.GetType() Is GetType(TextBtn) Then[code]...

This works the first time. But if I hit save again it writes the text to the background image on pbMenu1.

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VS 2008 .NET Writes To Excel 2007 File?

Jul 4, 2010

how can I let VB.Net writes an excel 2007 file? For example, the data in a TextBox will be written to the excel file every 30 seconds.The enviroment is VS2008, .Net 3.5.I've just started VB for one month, so please give me a piece of code to help me understand. I tried to find the solution on the Internet, but none of the codes worked for me, some people mentioned import "Microsoft.Office.Interop" in the code, but if do that in my code, VS said that "Namespace or type in the Imports 'Microsoft.Office.Interop' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases."

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Application That Opens A Session To A Specific IP Port / Writes To A Test File Everything It Receives

Feb 20, 2009

I've had a search through a number of extremely useful articles on the forums, however rather than reinvent the wheel I thought I would ask if anyone already had what I am looking for..A simply little VB app that opens a session to a specific IP port and then writes to a test file everything it receives. If the connection drops, simply re-stablish it and keep listening for text to write to the file.

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Flash Card Program - Type All The Words On A Text File And Have The Program Randomly Pull One Of Them

Feb 15, 2009

Anyway, I'm a teacher and am writing a program that simply shows kids a word on a flashcard. There are 2 buttons, 1 to read the word and 1 to go to a new work. There are going to be 300 words. Really I'm just testing it right here. What I want to know is should I be inputting all the words right into the code like I did with "hi" and "not 1" (Don't ask. those are just the 2 random words I picked to test this out with). OR is there a better way (maybe somehow to type all the words on a text file and have the program randomly pull one of them (I don't know how to do this).

Here is the code so far:

Public Class Form1
Dim word
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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DB/Reporting :: Database - Access Denied To A Text File (since It's Stored In The Program Directory In The Program Files)

Sep 20, 2010

I have a program where a lot of the required information for it is stored in text files. I simply read this information into large arrays. However, I don't think it's necessary to load all the information each time. Rather, it would be more efficient if I could simply search through a list of items to find the one I need and then use the data from it, or to find a similar name and use it elsewhere.

Would I be right in using a database? And is database programming done in SQL? I have a book on it telling me to use the SQL Server (IIRC), so I shouldn't be doing it in the VB.NET Express GUI?

Here's an example of what I would do:

Hex = 03 00 => dex number 003
Search in file Pokemon Dex Numbers
003 returns Bulbasaur
Check Bulbasaur base stats in the base stats file

So basically I'm reusing a lot of information. I think a database would be best and it would all be internal right? I'm getting complaints about access denied to a text file (since it's stored in the program directory in the program files).

So to cap up the few questions I have:

-Databases are done in SQL and not inside the GUI?
-Databases would load internally?
-I could search a database without having to load it into like an array or something?

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VS 2008 - Simple Text -> Xml Program - Save The Contents Of The Bottom Text Window To An Xml File

Dec 23, 2009

I have this Quiz software that lets you create online multiple choice quizzes which are great for studying (I am in grad school and I'm trying to use everything I can to learn). So the Quiz software is great but it only lets you input questions by hand, one by one. I took a look at the .xml file that the quiz program spits out and came up with the idea to try and make a converter so that I can import many questions at once. I was hoping to try and solve this limitation by doing the following:

Take a .doc that say a tutor gives us with a bunch of practice questions, and then take that into Crimson Editor, and then format it so the question is on line 1, the multiple choice answers are on lines 3,4,5, and 6, (for the next question, the question would be on line 11, and the answers on lines 13, 14, 15, and 16, and so on) and then take that saved .txt file into my program, hit the generate button, and it will spit out the .xml file, and then import that into the quiz software to generate the online quiz.

Here is an attached screenshot of my program layout so far:

I figured out how to open a text file by watching simple youtube tutorials, but I don't know how to have it generate the stuff and have it show up in the bottom text box. I know how to do the coding to convert the txt to proper xml code but I don't know how to be able to save the contents of the bottom text window to an xml file.

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Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text?

May 15, 2006

Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text

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Writing A Program/searching A Text File For Text

Apr 21, 2011

Write a program that requests a color as input in a text box and then determines whether or not the color is in the text file. The program should use the Boolean-valued Function procedure IsCrayola that returns the value True if the color in the text box is a Crayola color.

*I am to use a file named Colors.txt

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Remove Text Within A Text File Using Program?

Feb 15, 2011

I am new to Visual Basic and I am simply looking to remove some text (an example below) from a text file. I have lines of text throughout the file that contain paths to other "different" types of files. I am looking to remove any text between "/" markers inclusing the markers themselves. such as "/path/"Everything I have come across list a streamreader and a streamwriter that list two different files and bla bla. Inst' their a simple readfor.(txtFileLocation.Text).remove"/*/" save file overwriting the original? [code]...

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Program To Load The Text File?

Apr 3, 2009

I've been staring at my code for a few hours, and cannot think of the next part.For my final I need to make a hangman program Pretty much I have a button to load a .txt, a label, a multiline textbox(which will be hidden later), and a normal textbox. I need the program to load the txt file, and randomly select a word. Then have the program put a " - " for every letter in that word The program loads the txt file,to the multiline textbox,but I don't know what to put next. EDIT:After looking at my book i noticed it shows how to make a hangman program, but without loading a text file. So, all I need is the code that will make it select a word randomly from the list, and i think I can do the rest..

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Dumping A Text File Into A Program?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a program that I have reading a text file, what is the best way to put the text file into VB to be able to check if a string is on one of the lines in a text file, sample code would be helpful.

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Edit Text File From My Program?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a text document on my server.

how I can edit the text file from my program?

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Getting Program To Write To A Text File?

Mar 25, 2012


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Import Text File Using Program?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to open a text file, remove lines in the file that contain specific starting characters, and save the file back with a different file name, is this possible? The file contains a header record, detail records, and a trailer record. There are other records that I do not want in the file, this records have a specific starting character. I can open the file in VB, copy to another string variable, but cannot find out how to remove the lines I do not need and save the file.

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Opening A Text File In Use By Another Program?

May 22, 2012

I need to be able to view another programs chatlog while it is running. this is the existing code. right now for testing it just reads the first line of file. this reads the file just fine as long as the other program isnt running but if it is running i get an error stating that the file is in use by another process. I'm using vb 2010 express.


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Program To Read A Text File?

Jan 16, 2009

How do you get your program to read a text file? I know how to import a textfile as a resource. But I dont know how to get the program to show the TEXTin the textfile to a (readonly)textbox1...let me give ya an example of what i meanlets say you wanted to make a program that told the story of the three little bearsalright now we got 2 buttons and a textbox for controls on our form1.button1 moves to the next line of text in the storybutton2 moves backwards to the previous line of texttextbox1 is displaying the story text, from the first line of text in the storythis is what im trying to do

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Small Program To Get Text From A DAT File?

Sep 19, 2011

i have a small program to get text from a DAT file. the program gets all the text and puts it into a rich text box (rtb1) then I click a button (btnformat) to split the text in the dat file into indexes so that I can output the indexes that I want to an excel file. This program works when I use small amounts of data but if I use say 800 lines of text the program crashes/ can't handle the volume of data and just stalls.

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Convert Text File Into 2d Array In Program?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a text file like[code]...

I need to read this into a 2d array of integers.I already have the code to read the file[code]...

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Corrupted Text File When Program Crashes?

Mar 21, 2011

I write text to a file using StreamWriter as shown below several times a second. The problem I have is that sometimes these files are left blank after my program has crashed or the computer has crashed. I've done several searches on the internet without any results other then writing to a second file, copying over the file and then deleting the extra file when done. If this method doesn't have any error modes it still appears to be less then a beautiful solution. (What happens if the computer crashes when writing over the original file?)Is there a more secure method for writing the text file that doesn't leave it vulnerable? This happens way too often. I never find errors related to file writing. I really want this code to be reliable enough that I could just pull the plug on the computer

Dim mSW As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(countFile, False)


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