Forms :: VS2010 WinForms Labels?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a label that displays text kinda like a title to something (autosize = falseTextAlignment = MiddleCenter) and whenever the label control isn't wide enough to display the single line of text it tries to auto-wrap it causing half of the text to be chopped off at the top and half of it chopped off at the bottom. I would rather it stay on a single line and cut the text off from the right

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Forms :: VS2010 WinForms App Connect To Dll On Webserver?

Nov 13, 2011

I have a desktop WinForms app that I would like to be able to connect to my Sql Server database that I have through my GoDaddy webhost. Problem is not all ISP's forward the 1433 port (like mine) so I can't connect directly to the DB from any of my home computers without buying the expensive dedicated IP address package, which has me thinking since my website can connect directly to the DB I was wondering if it might be possible for me to make a dll that would have all of the database interaction through subs and functions and all my WinForms app would have to do is connect to that dll through http or something, anyone know if I could do something along those lines?

Reason for this is I would like other people to be able to connect to this database (the winforms app would have screens for creating and managing accounts, etc) without worrying about whether their ISP would block the DB port(s) it would just work.

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Windows Forms Designer Broken In VS2010?

Sep 3, 2010

We've recently upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010. The conversion of our Windows Forms app went well, but we're now having big problems with the forms designer.retty much any change to the layout of a form (sometimes just a solution rebuild) will work once, but on recompile, the IDE designer refuses to display the form, the error message being a null-reference exception (with no details as to what).Closing and restarting VS2010 will cure it, but only for one compile cycle - and it's obviously not practical to close and reopen every time. Closing and reopening the form does not fix it.

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Accessing Labels From Different Forms&threads

Feb 5, 2009

Recently i was trying to access the labels of main form (Form1) from a thread that was running on the other form (Form2), and I have noticed, that the label.Text is not changing.Form1 code - after the main Form is loaded I launch the second Formular, and the method on it : [code]There is a sample code attached to show how is it working.Is there any possibility to change the label values on the Main window?Peter.

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Forms :: Add The Argument For The ID In The Labels Tag To Be Passed To This Sub?

Feb 9, 2011

I have created a control, similar to an image combo, but a bit different. Any how, each of the labels that contians text to be clicked has an ID in their tag, that i wish to read. I have a sub routine called CBO_Click() which has the same arguments as a normal label click. How can i add the argument for the ID in the labels tag to be passed to this sub.

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Forms :: Formatting Paragraphs In Labels?

Jul 24, 2009

I want to read from a text file and display it in a label. However, when I do that, I see that there is no word wrapping. In the sense, a whole paragraph is displayed in one line and the next one in the next line and so on. Can some one please tell me how to read text from a file and make it display as it is (lines as they are)? I am using the following code right now:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word


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Forms :: Add Several Labels (boxes) Onto A Panel - If Condition

Apr 6, 2011

I'm currently trying to make a beat generator, which allows you to add several labels (boxes) onto a panel, and then sound will be played when the "play slider" reaches the same x-value. However, i can't make the slider find the boxes. OK, so this is what I've got so far! Clicking my button, a label named sound0, sound1, sound2 is added to my panel_back (which is the background of the player) Private Sub btn_addkick_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_addkick.Click


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Forms :: Creating Labels That Can Be Dragged Around Dynamically?

May 9, 2010

I'm currently making an application that involves time tables / scheduling. I'm required to generate a timetable for school teaching activities. in this application, I want to display the time slots using labels and I want to enable users to drag them around to place the subject cards in the available slots. I'm even confused with the control to use for the time slots. Right now I'm thinking of using datagridview for the time slot. So I'm trying to drag the labels around and placing them in the datagridview cells.

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Forms :: Display Special Characters In Labels?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a label in my form which displays the text-content stored in a text file. However it is not able to display special characters like ", ', : etc. Instead it just puts a small rectangular box (same size as that of the text).

How do I get them to display these characters? Should I not use text files in this case or do I have to turn on some control-properties?

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Forms :: Implement Drag And Drop Using Labels?

Dec 5, 2011

I am trying to implement drag and drop using labels, when the label is to be dropped in location not currently visible auto scrolling should happen.

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Forms :: Timed Labels And Progressbar For Major?

May 29, 2010

im trying to make a short term ordering system for my major work for year 12 , i need to know how to run a timer in a label and progressbar at the same time , run by selections by combo boxes in another form.

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Text Boxes To Labels In Diffrent Forms

Feb 20, 2011

I am new to programming just started school for it and i started playing in VB Which is what my class is i have Visual Studio 2008. okay here is what i need help on. I am making a simple windows forms program it has 3 forms and on form 2 i have 6 text boxes and on form 3 i have 6 labels. I am trying to get the user entered data in the 6 text boxes to transfer to the 6 labels on form 3.

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Forms - Make Labels Invisible As The Program Starts

Sep 30, 2009

I know the code to make labels invisible but i dont know how to make them invisible as soon as the program starts. where would i have to put the code fro that to work?

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Forms :: Maximized Form - Buttons And Labels Are Not In The Same Place?

Apr 30, 2011

I am making a simple program. This program is maximized as soon as it opens the problem is I made some buttons and labels and set the form Windowstate to Maximized so that it will maximized as soon as the program is run; now when I run the program it is maximized but the buttons and labels are not in the same place I put, for example I put a button on the bottom right corner when the program is run it appears in the fare left ( I post 2 pic ) Clipboard02.jpgClipboard01.jpg

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Forms :: Saving Labels In Array And Display In Textboxes

Nov 22, 2010

I have two labels in my form with two integer values I need to save these labels in an array and when I load the form again I need the saved data appear in two textboxes.

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Forms :: Get Information From A Access Database And Change The Text Of The Labels?

Mar 13, 2009

I've got labels on my form using the following "Shift1Time1Label" to "Shift1Time8Label".I'm trying to get information from a access database and change the text of the labels.I'm getting the information, but having an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" on the directcast to the label....


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Forms :: Label Create At Dynamically - Location Changed In Labels?

Oct 19, 2009

I am using Vb 2008. I have created label array in run-time(Dynamically). I have put them in Panel1.

Dim loc As Integer
loc = 5
For i = 1 To 25
NewLabelMe(i) = New Label
NewLabelMe(i).Text = "99.99"


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IDE :: Change The Font Of All Controls (forms, Labels, Textboxes, Etc) In The Project?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a project with lots of forms in there with the default font property of Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt

How do I change the font for all forms to let's say Tahoma, 8.25pt without changing it manually per form?

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Forms :: Delete Cookies In Winforms?

Nov 27, 2009

I've been trying to know how to delete all the cookies of a domain, created by using the WebBrowser control.I know that to invalidate a cookie, it's necesary to set its expiration date in a point of the past (a negative value), but all the information I found is for web developing aplications, and I'm using a form.

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Forms :: Using Large Database In WinForms?

Dec 27, 2009

I am currently helping to write a Visual Basics program that was originally writing with access.The Original Access program has been used and modified over the past 5 years, During that time the database has gotten pretty big.The problem I am having is If I add the entire database to my data sources it creates data tables for every Table and Stored procedure even when they are not currently used in the program resulting in a 20+ minute build time just to debug.I am currently only adding Tables and Stored Procedures as i need them, so its not that much of a problem now, but as I continue to work and add tables the build time is going to go back up, and Id hate to have to wait 20+ minutes to test a small tweak I made.

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Have Forms In Sub-namespaces Of A WinForms Project?

Oct 15, 2010

If I create a new class library project in VB.NET, I can create subfolders (a la C#), add WinForm objects to these subfolders, and then specify a namespace:

Namespace Sub1.Sub2
Public Class SomeForm
Public Sub New()


This resolves as ProjectRootNamespace.Sub1.Sub2.SomeForm, which is good.However, if I create a new WinForms project in VB.NET, and attempt the same thing, I get this error in the designer:The class SomeForm can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again.Is there a way to have forms in sub-namespaces of a VB.NET WinForms app instead of in the root namespace?

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Winforms - Custom Constructors For Forms In .net?

Nov 1, 2010

I would like to open a new form from some other form, and pass some selected object from a control on that form to the new form. The sensible way to do this, I thought, was as a parameter to the forms constructor. Now I know that the visual studio GUI creates partial classes for my forms, that hold the properties that I can drag onto there in the designer. I assume it also holds a default constructor. Since it might do all sorts of stuff that is needed to initialise the form, I figured I should call it from my custom constructor ala

public sub new(byval my_parameter as Foo)
Me.my_parameter = my_parameter


That clearly wasn't it, because it can't find a default constructor. The thing is, visual studio goes trough great lengths to prevent me from seeing the generated constructor, so I know how to access it. This leads me to believe that I am actually doing it wrong, and should have set out on some different path, as the path you are forced in to usually is the sensible thing to do, which I usualy find out way too late.

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Winforms - Friend Vs. Public For .net Forms?

Jan 19, 2010

Is it better to use friend or public forms in What are the advantages of each?I notice when you import a vb6 project, the forms come in as friend, but when you add a new form in it is public. I have not seen any difference in the way they work, though, so I must be missing something.

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Winforms - Passing Values Out Of Forms?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a very simple windows forms setup. Form1 has a progress bar and a button on it, when clicked the button opens Form2 which also has a button on it that launches Form3. On Form3 is a button which I want to use to raise an event back to Form1.To achieve this can I add an event handler on form1 that will listen for an event of the type raised in form3? Or do I have to pass references to form1 to form2 and then from form2 to form3?

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Winforms - Unload All Open Forms ?

Feb 26, 2009

In the middle of converting VB6 code to VB.NET, I need to replace the following code that intends to close all open forms remaining in the application.

'close all sub forms
For i = My.Application.OpenForms.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1[code].....

I've replaced the Unload function with Close (as indicated by TFM), but the compiler complains that OpenForms is not a member of My.Application.Where can I access the open forms?

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Winforms - .net NUnit (2.5) Windows Forms Testing?

Oct 18, 2011

I am retrofitting unit testing into a fairly complex system designed and written by other developers in I am trying to develop unit tests for the GUI forms using NUnit and the NUnit Forms extension. (I've been looking at c# examples that are fairly easy to port over if you have a solution but don't know VB syntax as long as it uses NUnit classes)

I will try and explain what I am doing but first a brief description of the program. It basically monitors server activity. You need to connect to a server via a modal form with IP and Port fields(amongst others). Once you have connected to a server other parts of the program unlock and become usable (such as configuration of the server).

Desired process: Load program > click connect button > modal connect form loads > enter details > click OK to connect > main form updates to logged-in state > other functionality

The problem is that I cannot test the functionality of the connect form and then the logged-in functionality of the program. I can test that it loads the modal connect form correctly; enters the details and clicks OK (all fine so-far) but it does not appear to logically progress the program. The modal form just closes again seemingly without running the connect code from the program back-end and I'm back at the main menu not logged in to anything.

I have a feeling that I've either missed something really obvious or that it's simply not doable in NUnit.I have trawled the internet in search of anything similar but the closest was another SO thread that was really generic. Without being able to actually test the logged-in version of the program, I'm at a major hurdle.Another issue is handling message boxes that don't have unique identifiers (e.g. "are you sure you want to exit?"); these also seem to be a major pain in the arse with NUnit (If it makes any difference, I'm running the tests as a stand-alone project using a reference to the executable file of the built project, not the actual source)

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Winforms - Deploying A VB 2010 Win Forms Application

Nov 16, 2010

I am deploying a 2010 winforms application, and when I install it on the client's machine, the install process also installs an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. The application connects to a central SQL database on the server. To install, I am using the "Publish" option in VS 2010. Why does it do that? There should be no need for a local instance of SQL Express. Is there a way to avoid installing SQL 2005 Express (I know it is free, but I would rather not have it installed if possible).

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Winforms - NUnit (2.5) Windows Forms Testing ?

Jun 10, 2012

I am retrofitting unit testing into a fairly complex system designed and written by other developers in I am trying to develop unit tests for the GUI forms using NUnit and the NUnit Forms extension. (I've been looking at c# examples that are fairly easy to port over if you have a solution but don't know VB syntax as long as it uses NUnit classes)I will try and explain what I am doing but first a brief description of the program. It basically monitors server activity. You need to connect to a server via a modal form with IP and Port fields(amongst others). Once you have connected to a server other parts of the program unlock and become usable (such as configuration of the server).Desired process: Load program > click connect button > modal connect form loads > enter details > click OK to connect > main form updates to logged-in state > other functionality

The problem is that I cannot test the functionality of the connect form and then the logged-in functionality of the program. I can test that it loads the modal connect form correctly; enters the details and clicks OK (all fine so-far) but it does not appear to logically progress the program. The modal form just closes again seemingly without running the connect code from the program back-end and I'm back at the main menu not logged in to anything. I have a feeling that I've either missed something really obvious or that it's simply not doable in NUnit. I have trawled the internet in search of anything similar but the closest was another SO thread that was really generic. Without being able to actually test the logged-in version of the program, I'm at a major hurdle.Another issue is handling message boxes that don't have unique identifiers (e.g. "are you sure you want to exit?"); these also seem to be a major pain in the arse with NUnit(If it makes any difference, I'm running the tests as a stand-alone project using a reference to the executable file of the built project, not the actual source)

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Winforms - TextBox Validation In .NET And Windows Forms?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number.I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the number has been completely entered.number is being entered in the format: 12313213.45

What shall I do?Private Sub TextBox5_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox5.KeyPress


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Winforms - Word Wrap In Windows Forms (.net)?

Apr 25, 2009

how to do word wrap in drawstring in 2005.

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