Single Form With DataGridView Showing Values From Oracle DB

Feb 2, 2010

I have a single form with a datagridview on it showing values from an oracle database. I am trying to set up a way of detecting if the row/column I click on is empty or not, just as a little exercise. I have so far got this:

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) _
Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
Dim c, r As Integer
c = e.ColumnIndex
r = e.RowIndex
[Code] .....

The message going into lbl2 shows the co-ordinate values of any box I click in but as you can see with the IF statement below I am trying to see if the system can detect whenever I click in a value that is empty (null or ''). When I run my form and populate the list with a column of names I can click in 0, 0 cell and I get a message saying the 'Box is not empty' as above.

But when I click in any of the next boxes e.g. (1,0) (2,0) etc I get this:
'Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index'

Pointing to this line of
If Not DataGridView1.Item(r, c).Value Is Nothing Then
Not sure what this means at all. I am under the impression that my piece of code is gathering the value of the item depending on the co-ordinate values. so why should this fail? What index/collection is VB talking about?

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Update Changed Values In Datagridview To Oracle DB

Apr 21, 2010

I am using oracle database and i already created a connection and retrieved data from my oracle DB to Datagridview using oledb commands,now my major challenge which has gotten me sick is to update any changes made in the datagridview to the oracle database. I tried using sqlcommandbuilder but failed. This code is what i used to retrieved the data from oracle and place it into the datagridview.

These are my declarations i made at the beginning of the form:

Private myDA As OleDbDataAdapter
Private myDataSet As DataSet

These are the codes inside the search button to load the retrieved data from oracle into the datagridview

Public con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=SYSTEM; Password=simon; database=project")


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Set Some Form Controls (textbox) To Values From A Single ADO.NET DataRow?

Sep 9, 2010

I'd like to see how others might handle this scenario and perhaps provide some comments on this particular solution for handling null values. I have run into a situation where my application requires data from an ancillary source that cannot be altered/changed, which of course means dealing with poor database architecture and implementation! In this case, my app is running into errors when attempting to set some form controls (textbox) to values from a single ADO.NET DataRow. Perhaps I should be handling this when attempting to set the controls? Not sure, but here is the current way this is done:

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Datagridview Not Showing Modified Data By Other Form

Dec 11, 2010

I am creating one application using visual and sqlce I have two forms name Form1 and Form2.

I used Form1 to add data to database using OLeDb command I used Form2 to show data in datagridview by using dataset[code]...

Form2 Datagridview show the old data only, it do not show the recently added data by form1. I mean when I build my application datagridview show the data which is already in the database, but it does not show the data which is added by the form1 during run time.

Some one suggested me to fill the datagridview at run time by using OLeDB command. Then I created Form3 to fill the datagridview2 by using OLedb command and datareader and found that Form3 shows the recently(added by Form1 at run time) added data.

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Reference DataGridView Control Before Showing Its Parent Form?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a datagridview control on a form that I want to make readonly, before showing the form. I can disable it before showing the form with the [code]...

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Set The Column Names To The Same Values As Table Names Yet The Data Is Not Showing In Form Load?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView which populates from an SQL query just fine in default mode

using these table names
[firstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,


I have edited the column headers and set the column names to the same values as my table names yet the data is not showing in form load I have set datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False I know the data is there if I delete datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False then the data is shown with the default headings?

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Select Query In Form - Form With A Datagridview That Displays All Of The Values

Mar 26, 2008

I am using VB2008 Express and a MSSQL Server 2005 db by the way! I have a comprehensive SQL statement, which should fill my Grid:

SELECT @Sum = SUM(I_LS.lmenge)
FROM dbo.lfs AS I_L


Now here is my problem! I want to have a form with a datagridview that displays all of the values I am querying. This shouldn't be a problem I guess. However, I have no idea how I can integrate two textboxes that can be used to enter the selection criteria (WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253') AND (l.sped_journal = '11-08')[/SIZE]. I have googled and read many threads so far but didn't stumble upon anything that would suit my needs and answer my question. Maybe it's just too elementary!? By the way, it is very important that the input of textbox1 ((WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253')) is linked to 3 positions in my SQL query to define the search criteria!

The worst thing is that I don't want to have a bindingnav displayed! I do not need any delete, update or add functions just the select option, however!

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Showing Contents Of String Array To Single Label

Jan 12, 2011

I got a string array & I need to show the contents of it to a single label. It acts like a clock. The thing is I tried with everything I could but I failed. This is the code I've been trying. Its in And theres a thread running to slow down the loop so I can display the contents in a label for 2 seconds.

Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To readText.Length

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Referencing Cell Values On DataGridView From Another Form?

Oct 6, 2010

This is bugging me. I have a "main" form named frmMain with a DataGridView object named objDataGrid.When a user double clicks on a row or clicks another button, I hide the main form, open a new form and want to reference the values in the row selected by the user but I keep getting an error when I try to access some, but not all, of the datagridview's properties.


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DataGridView's Column Values Disappear After The Form Is Shown?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a MainForm which contain SecondaryForm as a control of the MainForm.SecondaryForm contains DataGridView which loads data from sql server and I add a collumn named SUM that SUMs all the values of the same row. This is provided within the LOAD event of the SecondaryForm.When SecondaryForm.Load events finishes, the program goes back to MainForm right after the line "SecondaryForm.Show" and here the values of the column SUM disappear.When i write those values runtime, they never disappear.

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VS 2005 Pass The Values In The Selected Row From The Datagridview To Form?

May 15, 2009

i have a datagridview at form1 filled with 2 columns, mailName and callName. upon clicking an edit button, form2 will show with the details of the selected row in the datagridview from form1. how can i pass the values in the selected row from the datagridview to form2? my select statement at form2:


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Save Data From Datagridview Into Oracle Database?

Oct 17, 2011

I had a datagridview with databound. I want to write a coding is when user click at any cell of the datagridview, then it will get the whole data of the row and save it into oracle database.

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Filling A Datagridview With Multiple Checkbox Columns From Oracle Database

Jun 22, 2010

I am filling a datagridview with multiple columns from my oracle database. It has become necessary that I add a column with a checkbox. I figured this out.


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Make A Single Instance App And Showing The MainWindow When Another Instance Is Launched In .NET With WPF?

Aug 30, 2011

I am looking for a way to make my app running in a single instance mode and showing the MainWindow of the first instance when another instance is launched.I do a quick search on the internet but I did'nt find anything to open the MainWindow of the first instance or it was for Windows Form not for WPF.

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Show Values Of A Particular Column (showing No Duplicates) In A Combobox?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a datagrid on my form, it is set to loads CSV

Can someone tell me how I can show the values of a particular column (showing no duplicates) in a combobox?

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Sorting Values - Procedure Showing Wrong Output?

Feb 21, 2010

Just sorting a value and displaying them with original values. Procedure is displaying the sorted values in msgbox but in place of the original values, it displays the original values again.

Public Sub FlagProb2()
Dim Count() As Integer = {2, 1, 4, 3} 'Original Array
Dim SortedCount() As Integer = Count 'New array for sorted values of original array
Array.Sort(SortedCount) 'Sorting values
For j As Integer = 0 To Count.GetUpperBound(0)
MsgBox(SortedCount(j) & " , " & Count(j)) ' Displaying sorted and unsorted values
End Sub

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Compare Values In Single List?

Oct 18, 2011

This is a 2 part question about list comparisons. I see lots of threads on comparing two separate lists, but I need to know how to compare values in a single list.

Part 1:I have a bunch of string values that I am first splitting and then adding to two separate lists. The strings look something like this... 3-ABC, 6-DEC, 11-RFG, 6-ABC, 12-ABC, etc... So, with the code below(vb) I am splitting the numerical portion of the string and putting it into myLeadQtys(saved for later). I then take the rest of the string and put it in another list (myLeadVals):

Dim myLeadVals As New List(Of String)
Dim myLeadQtys As New List(Of String)
Dim strMtextValue As String


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Display 2 Values From A Single Combo Box?

Feb 18, 2011

let me explain further i have table account. in the table are 2 columns namely account_type,Account_name.So on the forms, i want the combo to show the 2 columns even though ony one column would be saved. Am able to do this in access as attached.[code]...

View 5 Replies

Displaying Values From A Single Combobox?

Jun 6, 2011

the code display 2 colunms in one combo box from a table. i have table with 2 columns account_type and account_name. the account_type is an abbreviation(codes) which would be stored in a new table when selected. I want the code when the combo is click, would display the code-account_type and account_name in the same combo box.

Private Sub cboAccount_type_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboAccount_type.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim cn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim query As String = "Select Concat(Account_type, ' - ', Account_Name) As AccountDesc, Account_type from Accounts"


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Using A Single Picture Box To Display A Single Picture Form A Bank Of Pictures?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a few problems i need to solve. Firstly, I am looking for a piece of code i can use to display a picture from a bank of pictures. It will work on the basis of generating a random number and loading a picture that corresponds to that number.

i.e. Dim RandNumber As Integer
Dim RandClass As New Random
RandNumber =, 10)
If RandNumber = 1 Then
Picturebox1.image = picture1


Secondly, can I then use subsequent picture boxes to display pictures from the same bank of images, without displaying the same image? Finally, I then need to be able to click the picture or a button beneath the picture to select it as an answer to a question and then the whole process starts again.

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Bulk Insert From Datatable In To Oracle Using Oracle.DataAccess

Mar 4, 2010

I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.

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Visual Basic With Oracle Provider Oledb For Oracle?

Dec 29, 2009

can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.

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VS 2008 Displaying 2 Values From A Single Combo Box

Feb 18, 2011

I am developing a form which needed to display 2 values from a combo . I have table Account with these fields Account_type, Account_name in this table. Even though I am saving only the Account_type in to a new table but when selecting from the combo, I want the account_name also display since the account_type is a code so that user would understand the mening of the acount_type. code that would display both the code and the account name to this. I used data binding to do this, it also displayed only the code.

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Assign Several Field Values In A Datatable Into A Single Text Box?

Jul 9, 2009

I have this working for a single field in a text but im trying to add more than one fields data .[code]...

View 7 Replies - Execute A Stored Function In Oracle Or Sql - Adding The Parameter Values Of The Function

Dec 13, 2011

I need to execute a stored function in oracle or sql through I created a command object. Depending on the database type(oracle or SQL) i am preparing the Command text as Select functionName(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) from dual; (For Oracle) Adding the parameter values of the function. Now performing the ExecuteScalar which is not working saying invalid parameter. This works with ODBC connection string. But ODBC doesn't with 64bit. My Requirement: Code should execute a user defined stored procedure by taking the values at runtime.

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Showing Data In Datagridview

Feb 1, 2011

i can't get the data to be shown in the datagridview what am i doing wrong here? i think the problem starts in the ---- if then statement


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VB 2010 : DataGridView Not Showing

Nov 15, 2011

Unable to display data in datagridview : vb 2010 express + mysql server 5 + odbc connector

1. I am able to connect database successfully. I am using arraylist to set data.& also i m

getting till it set to dataview (Object name )

2. Till now i am not added any column name in datagridview property setting .

[add/remove column]'[code...]

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Insert Values With A Single Click Event Into The History Table?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm using VB.Net and SQL Server 2005.

I have two Listboxes that users can select multiple values. Selection Mode = Multiple.

Listbox1 has Customers
Listbox2 has Products

I would like users to select a Customer (single value) from Listbox1 and Products (Multiple values) from ListBox2 I need to insert the selected values into the database like this:

John Shampoo
John Toothpaste
John ShowerGel

How can I Insert these values with a single Click event into the History table?

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Linq To SQL - How To Return Values For A Single Date In Datetime Format

Nov 30, 2011

I am trying the following to select a long date, but becase the value is stored in SQL database as DateTime I am unable to return any results unless minutes and seconds match perfectly...I then tried to use 2 calendars and have the same issue with the DateTime format..


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Pass Multiple Values To Single Fields In Crystal Report?

Jun 10, 2011

I have tested my code in order to pass single value to single parameter field in crystal report from VB.NET Form, it is ok but the problem is that I want to pass multiple values to only one parameter field called "Product Name" and it displays only one last record.

I want to display like this

Receipt : 0001 Product Name


I already set parameter field "productname" for allowing to multiple values, but it is still the same.

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