VS 2010 Maze - Moving A PictureBox Between LineShape Lines Using Buttons To Move It

Apr 23, 2011

I'm doing a maze using VB10. its about moving a PictureBox between LineShape lines using buttons to move it. the problem is, can I make the picture not to move through the LineShape? if so how? or should I use something else other than the LineShape and another question can i save the progress of the maze and come back to it later? if so does it require using a database to save the location of the PictureBox?

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Create And Move A Circle In Maze?

Jun 25, 2012

I'm a beginner in visual basic and i am working on a maze that that your are supposed to move a ball or circle using he arrow keys [code]...

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Create A New Microsoft.visualbasic.powerpack LineShape On A Picturebox?

Apr 4, 2010

I need a code that will create a new microsoft.visualbasic.powerpack LineShape on a picturebox like this

dim r as new rectangle = new rectangle(0,0,100,100)

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Get A Code That Will Create A New Microsoft.visualbasic.powerpack LineShape On A Picturebox?

Apr 4, 2010

I need a code that will create a new microsoft.visualbasic.powerpack LineShape on a picturebox like this

dim r as new rectangle = new rectangle(0,0,100,100)

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VS 2010 - Create A Small Game In VB2010 - Creating A GIF And Placing It In The Picturebox And Moving It

Aug 9, 2011

I'm trying to create a small game in VB2010. The gameplay is as follows:

civilians would walk/stand in a room/street and suddenly an evil character would pop from the ground/wall. This evil character would suddenly vanishes too. So, the player has to shoot it to kill the character. The evil character, civilians, etc. would be random. Also, there would be sound effects too. That is the popping up of the evil character, it's voice, the civilians voice, etc. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible but without degrading the quality of the game play. I think, I could somewhat create the graphics for the characters, scenes, etc. and can get the sound effects recorded.

So, the difficult part is,[ ] how could I make it a smoother for playing the game ?
[ ] what would be the best way to do animations ?
[ ] Creating a GIF and placing it in the picturebox and moving it ?
[x]how to play the music in background and at the same time play sound effects on certain instance ?

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VS 2010 Grab Picturebox To Move The Form?

Dec 26, 2009

A new journey, A new problem. As I downloaded VS2010 Today, there's a new UI, New Code, new problems.

Now I looked for a code that seemed to work for the VS2008, I found the one .Paul made, but it sure didn't work for me. Is there anyone who managed this on the new 2010? Please tell me.

If there were any confusion what I really wanted, I'll explain.

Mousedown on Picturebox = Move around the form free.

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Click A PictureBox And Then Move That PictureBox With Keyboard?

Nov 11, 2009

Ok, so I have a new challenge for the D.I.C. Heads. I'm making a simple little game using VB controls. I know it's not the best idea in the world but it'll have to do for now!

Here is whats happening. I've created a class that inherits the PictureBox control that I want to use to place my game pieces on the playing field.

Dim pbArmyUnit(0) As ArmyUnit ' ArmyUnit is a Class that inherits Picturebox now I create the playing pieces at runtime as needed and append them to the array. Player currently buys the units and places them on the playing field.


On a side note how can I look at a stack of pictureboxes all created at runtime to determine whats at a particular location? Example. I move my army unit over top of the picturebox that shows my forest. How can I tell what picturebox I just moved on top of? does that make sense? I don't need code for this just directions on looking at the right info so I can figure it out.

I am creating my terrain at runtime as well since it's randomly generated. and I'm basically making an array of 192 pictureboxes with the appropriate terrain image as well as some other modifiers. Just like with my armies above I've inherited picturebox and created a terrain class array, this way I'm able to add my movement modifiers etc, directly to the picturebox I place on the screen. It's these pieces of terrain that I want to be able to check before allowing the unit to move into them! to get movement costs etc.

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Moving Lines Between Lists?

May 16, 2011

how I would be able to move a line from one list box to another?

What I need to do is read a text file, populate the lines in list boxes (automatically sorting them by set groups, defined in the text file).

Then I want to move the names between the boxes to my desire, the hit save and it will write them all back into the same text file.

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Moving Listview Up And Down By Buttons?

Jan 14, 2012

I am trying to use 2 buttons (up and down) to move up and down in the listview highlighting each item depending on what direction its going in the listview.This is my current code:

Private Sub cmdDown_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDown.Click
If cmdDown.Tag <> totalRecordsReturned Then


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Moving Lines In Code Of A Program While Running

Oct 27, 2011

I want to go back to the input line in the four places in the code that say something like strinputmessage = strnegative or strinputmessage = strnonnumeric.I need to be able to go back to where you input the data so that the index does not increase.I tried using a GoTo <23> to go back up to the line i needed but then it gave me all these weird errors about the End and Next were missing.[code]

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VS 2005 Preventing Buttons From Moving?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a win app with some buttons. Whenever I run the app, the buttons move away from their default location. Is there a way to fix the button in one location.

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Interface And Graphics :: Moving Buttons And Background Images?

Oct 7, 2009

My app allows the user to set a new button on a tabpage, move it and resize it. They will do this over a background image so the buttons line up with images in the background.Without the background image, the buttons move smoothly and quickly. With the image turned on, the buttons want to move sloooowly and they drag. I made up this code just to show the basic function of what I am trying to accomplish.

Public Class Form1
Public finalshape As Region


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Moving A PictureBox - Up And Then Down On My Form

Nov 20, 2009

(Visual Basic .NET 2003) I am trying to move a picturebox up and then down on my form. The Picturebox moves up but does not move down. The motion is more of a bouncing motion (to the left) until it disappears off the screen. I have one button and one timer. I know this is probably so simple, but I cannot resolve the problem

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub


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Moving An Image On Picturebox

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to move an image on a picturebox, but I'm getting a error which I don't understand. my


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Moving PictureBox In Form?

Sep 17, 2009

how do i "drag and drop a picturebox" on a form drag and drop is used in vb.net for moving a picture by mousedown

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Moving The Form With A Picturebox?

Oct 12, 2007

Okay, so just wondering, if its possible. I Have a picturebox (PictureBox1) and just wondering if I dragged the picturebox how could i drag the form?

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Use Keydown To Move My Window Around But It Moves, Then Pauses, Then Starts Moving Again?

Sep 8, 2009

I know that keypresses tend to have this behaviour naturally in Windows, but when you first press down a key there's a short pause. I'm trying to use Keydown to move my Window around but it moves, then pauses, then starts moving again. Is there some way to get rid of the pause without disabling it in Windows?

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Move The Cursor Up Or Down Lines?

Dec 8, 2011

I am writing a little 'macro' functionality into my multi-line textbox. All going ok except i don't know how to move the cursor up or down lines (simulating the arrow keys), and the 'Home' and 'End' keys.

I would like to avoid the whole 'SendKeys' thing if possible...

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Moving A PictureBox To Predefined Locations?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm working on a little board game we play here in Jamaica just to see how it would look and as a sort of challenge for myself while on vacation. I'm however stuck on how to make my markers (PictureBoxes - two per player) move along the board.So heres my problem; I have 40 slots where the picturebox can be moved to (eg picturebox1.Top = 324, picturebox1.left=243). Now moving to these slots are determined by the roll of a pair of dice. How can I assign a variable preferably an integer for each slot so when the dice is rolled I can just do a little addition as to where the markers can be moved?

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Moving A Picturebox Without Knowing Its Exact Name?

Feb 3, 2012

What happens to create the car is the user selects which car he/she wants to create from a combobox and then they press a button to create it.Private Sub btnCreateCar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreateCar.Click

If cbCarSelect.Text.Contains("Ferrari") Then
c = 1
pictureboxesFerarri(c) = New PictureBox


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Moving Image Inside Picturebox

Feb 24, 2010

I'm making an rpg game but the map images i'm making are very large and I wanted to know if its possible to make the picturebox zoom on one particular region of the image and make the image move within the picturebox...


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Moving Picturebox On Large Panel

Feb 28, 2009

I have one panel, and on that one picturebox with large image, so panel shows scrollbars.Now I am adding one picturebox to that picturebox (which is on panel).And when i move the added picturebox, it looks like, it is resizing the image of picturebox.Actually it is not resizing, but it seems like some barrier or something like that, or may be it is delaying in assigning the new position to picturebox. Additionaly, it works well with all other controls, just picturebox with image creates this kind of problem.[code]

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Random Objects - How To Get PictureBox Moving

Aug 3, 2010

I have a program where if a label box touches a picture box then the game ends. What I want to be able to do is have it so that various pictureboxes appear all along the bottom of the forum then move to the top. I know how to get the pictureboxes moving and I am somewhat familiar to random scripts the only thing I am not sure how to do is create the picture boxes just along the bottom of the forum.

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User Picturebox Moving In Runtime?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm creating an application in visual basic, basically a part of it is where I hope to achieve the function whereby users can move pictureboxs(images) when visual basic is running.

Basically, i've got several picture boxes that obviously cannot be moved around the form at the minute.

For example, i want to be able the user to be able to move picturebox1 around the form when they click on it and move it where they want to as opposed to what it does now - doesnt move.

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Draw Lines By Mouse Move?

Apr 25, 2009

I can draw one line by mouse moving on a form, but i used cls function to clear screen when move mouse (otherwise it wont show single line when move mouse), so i cudnot draw next line with out clearing previously drawn line, kindly help how to solve this problm


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Remove The White Lines Around Buttons?

Feb 26, 2011

So me and a friend started a project in school and we decided that i'll do most of the design part and he'll do most of the coding. I wanted to change the design on my buttons and changed the button image background and changed flatstyle to flat. Now there's this thin white line around every button instead. how can i get rid of it? Check attachment.

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Moving A Picturebox, Depending On The Direction Pressed?

Jun 19, 2011

I don't know what exactly to call this. I am moving a picturebox, depending on the direction pressed. The thing is I have restrictions. I need the picture to move 32 pixels in whatever direction is pressed. The problem I want to remove is, if you hold a direction down, it goes much faster then I want it to.

Ultimately I would like to be able to hold down the key, have the image move slowly, and when I let go of the button I want it to stop moving. Again it HAS to move 32 pixels for each key press/hold.The best way I can describe it is like in a RPG on Nintendo when you're walking on the world map or town or something.

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Stop PictureBox Moving On Screen At Certain Point

Mar 14, 2011

I have a picturebox that is moving across the screen. At the moment I want it too stop at a certain point until a button that is called next is pressed. I then want the picture box to carry on moving across the screen (The total number of times I want this to happen is 5)

Dim nextcommand As Integer = 7
Dim rewindcommand As Integer = 7
Dim x As Integer = 144
Dim y As Integer = 44
Private Sub NextButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NextButton.Click
[Code] .....

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Cannot Move The Buttons And The Other Objects In The Design

Apr 13, 2010

i can not move the buttons and the other objects in the design, now what can i do to move buttons and other objects in the design.

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Use Buttons To Move Data From One Listbox To Another?

Nov 9, 2010

I have two listboxes next to each other with buttons in between (<< , < , >> , >) I can get the these buttons to move the lines of code to back and forth from the listboxes, but now I need these buttons to also extract the cost of the item and add the cost to a total cost label.[code]...

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