VS 2010, File Not Found Exception?

Jan 10, 2011

im making a program and it needs to load 95 files on form load.im trying to make it to if the file cant be found that it will give a error instead of a JIT debug thing. i triedadding

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error: " & ex.Message)


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System.io.file Not Found Exception

Jan 14, 2011

During file copy, I'm giving the absolute file name. But the compiler says file not found always. Is it a problem in my system or any error in my program.

Public Sub backupDB()
Dim FileToCopy As String


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Shell Command Throwing A File Not Found Exception?

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to convert one of my unix text files to a dos text file. I am using the following command:

Shell(string.format("unix2dos {0}", sFileCompletePath))

I've already added the unix2dos command in my environment path on the server.But when I execute the above mentioned command I get a FileNotFound exception even when the file is located on the disk.

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File I/O And Registry :: File Not Found Exception

Jun 16, 2009

I'm developing a very simple app that does nothing more than launch two other apps. I'm developing this under the .NET 2.0 framework for WinCE 5.0 in VS2005.No matter what I do, I keep getting file not found exceptions not handled, and the program crashes. (Yes I should probably have a try/catch block, but this isn't the issue.)

Here's some code

fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(drivePath)
Me.Label1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 6.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular)
Me.Label1.Text = fullPath & strDrivePath

Now, the label change here is not important, I only do this to output the full path of the directory, and strDrivePath is "whatever.exe"

If Directory.Exists(fullPath) Then
If File.Exists(fullPath & strDrivePath) Then
Me.Label1.Text = "EXISTS!!!"


The irritating thing is after getting and displaying the full path (I know it's there) I check with the first IF to prove to the program it's there. No problem.I then use the second IF to prove to the program that the executable is there, and change the label output on screen to prove to myself the code is executed. The label changes. The file is there.

Then when I run the program, File not found exception. It's driving me insane. I've tried in multiple OSes (Vista and CE 5.0), I've tried in directories with spaces and no spaces, I've tried using Process.Start() and setting up the file details through the info command.I've tried putting a path in there directly instead of using variables. I've tried wrapping the whole kit and kabodle in quotes like this Shell("" & fullPath & strDrivePath & "" ) and like this Shell("""" & fullPath & strDrivePath & """").I've searched high and low on forums around the globe, including multiple threads here and I just cannot get it to work.

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Orignial Exception Type Be Found In A Rethrown Generic Exception?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to catch a user defined permission exception - i.e. a user does something their level of system access won't allow, permission exception is thrown. My problem is, the exception is caught and then rethrown as a genertic System.Exception.Is there any way I can deduce the original exception type, without resorting to string comparisons, like if ex.ToString.Contains("Permission denied"

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VS 2010 File Not Found On Process.start()?

Jul 7, 2011

its really simple...

Dim myProcess As New Process()
myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:windowssystem32wuauclt.exe"


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VS 2010 Loading An Image, File Not Found?

Dec 8, 2011

I set a background image to my project. When I run it, It comes with an error, file not found:

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.. I do have the file, and I didnt move places. I still have it and also reloaded it in the resources.

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VS 2010 - Database File Cannot Be Found After Adding UserControl

Aug 30, 2011

After adding a UserControl to a form which access my database I get this warning:
Warning1The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database.
[ Data Source = C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEDatabase.sdf ]
C:UsersUserDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsProject1Project1Options.Designer.vb2160

Thing is I never had a database at that location, my database is and has always been in MyDocuments in the Project folder itself. There is nothing anywhere in my code referring to that database! When I double click it I get sent to this line in the Designers window:
Even though I get this error I can still access my database, so basically it does absolutely nothing except drive me mad! So how do I fix this?

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'Key Not Found' Exception When Reading Item From SortedList?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a SortedList

Protected _Items As New Generic.SortedList(Of String, _Control)
I am adding items into this SortedList
_Items.Add(_key, _Control)


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The Specified Module Could Not Be Found. (Exception From HRESULT: 0x8007007E)?

Jul 3, 2006

I have recently converted a .net 1.1 web application project into a .net 2.0 webapplication. It compiles without errors, but when I run it in the browser, I get thefollowing error:

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Error - The Specified Module Could Not Be Found. (Exception From HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

Jan 5, 2011

This is a strange one that I have so-far been unable to resolve. Basically, when you click on a function icon within the software application it throws up the following message in box:"An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt continue. If you click quit, the application will close immediately"The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at Universal_Camset.Communications.Transmit(String Data)
at Universal_Camset.VCL_MIC_500_Module.VCL_MIC_500.Send(String Data)


This happens on two systems; Windows XP SP2 or SP3 - .net framework 1.1 & 2.0 & all necessary patches etc installed. Just can't seem to get around it. What is more frustrating is I have a test rig that has exactly the same software attributes & it works fine on that.I have even tried full clean O/S install with no other applicationms installed & get the same eratta as above.

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Error : The Specified Module Could Not Be Found. (Exception From HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"}

Dec 12, 2009

{"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The specified module could not be found. Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"}i got the following error...what is this error??can't figure it out...i m using vb2005..vb.net

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VS 2010 Exception When Two Applications Accessing Same Txt File?

Jul 5, 2011

Im am trying to get two separate applications to communicate with one another via a txt file. The first application writes to a txt file every even second and the second application reads the text file every odd second. The problem is Im getting an exception saying The process cannot access the file FILE_PATH.txt' because it is being used by another process. Not sure if my code is correct or not? Or if there is a better way to do this?


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VS 2010 Visual Basic Debugger Error: Debugging Information For 'EXCEL.EXE" Cannot Be Found Or Does Not Match - Cannot Find Or Open The PDB File

Jun 19, 2009

Whether I am using VB 2008 Express or VS 2010 Beta 1 Visual Basic, I get the same error: "Debugging information for 'EXCEL.EXE" cannot be found or does not match. Cannot find or open the PDB file" I have filled in the Debug Tab information: Start external program: C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12Excel.exe


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VS 2010 Code To Open A File - Keep Getting The Filenotfound Exception

Feb 1, 2011

This is the code I use to open a file:


Public filecode As String
Public Sub getfile(ByVal filename As String)
Dim objReader As StreamReader

But I keep getting the filenotfound exception.

I replaced the file source with the actual location of the file and got the same error. I also checked the permissions of the application to allow sharing and remove read only properties.

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File I/O And Registry :: Registry Entry Found/not Found Messages?

Aug 13, 2011

Currently I am using this code to check for Firefox on a 32 bit machine

Dim Firefox32 As String
Firefox32 = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMozillaMozilla Firefox 5.0in", "PathToExe", Nothing)
MsgBox("The value is " & Firefox32)

If the value is found then the above message is fine, but if the entry is not found I want it to display a message like: "Firefox could not be found" instead of "The value is: " What code would make this appear?


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Exception Found - Cannot Access A Disposed Object. Object Name:'System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream'

Dec 31, 2009

Occasionally I encountered this exception message while trying to download file from a server using System.Net.FtpWebRequest and System.Net.FtpWebResponse Object.

Download a file.ftpRequest_DL.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile get the response object
Dim ftpResponse_DL As FtpWebResponse = CType(ftpRequest_DL.GetResponse, FtpWebResponse)


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Read Binary File And In This File Found The String And Replace It With Other One And Save The File Afterwords?

Jan 11, 2011

i need to read binary file and in this file found the string and replace it with other one and save the file afterwords. I found many example to read binary, but to find and replace is for me mistery.

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Directory Not Found Exception / Can Browse To Directory?

May 3, 2011

In my asp.net page I'm making a copy of a file from my local drive to the server.[code]But when I run this code asp.net throws an exception:But I can browse to this file easily.

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VS 2010 - Show A Popup / Message If The File Does Not Exist Instead Of The Typical "Unhandles Exception Has Occurred"

May 30, 2010

1) Ive put the code to execute a file, it works fine but i want a way to show a popup/message if the file does not exist instead of the typical 'Unhandles exception has occured, system cannot find the file specified.' My code is below, i dont mind using a differend code as long as it opens the file Program FilesInfinity SoftwareAeroCrash Apps11.acep


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VS 2008 : Calling A Fortran .exe That Calls A File - File Not Found?

Jul 6, 2010

I am trying to run a fortran .exe in VB with the Shell() command. The fortran .exe, when ran, it asks you for a file name. It works perfectly on it's own, but when I try calling it through VB Shell(), it does not work.. (i.e. I cannot get VB to get the file name in it.)

Added info:I am using VB9 but I'm writing in compatibility to .NET. As for the Fortran .exe, when you call it, it opens a command window where it asks for a file name (which I got as a string in VB and I'm trying to pass it in), then you press Enter and it's done. Basically the .exe takes a text file and creates a new text file. We've also tried adding & mystring when calling the exe, but it gives a "file not found" error.

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.net - Component Not Found When Deployed On IIS But Found When Running ASP Development Server?

Oct 1, 2010

We have an VB.net application that is being moved from one box to another. It runs great on the old box. The new box is configured the same as the old one but is on newer hardware. When I run the application on the new server it complains that the adobe toolkit that we use can not be found.

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Catch An Exception And Throw A New Exception Which Wraps The First Exception As An Inner Exception

May 8, 2009

It is possible to catch an exception and throw a new exception which wraps the first exception as an inner exception: [URL] Also, if I call a function and it throws a certain error, but I catch it, will the calling code's catch handler execute? If so, and it is of a higher exception type, is this not wrapping the exception? eg I can throw exception ex of type IndexOutOfRange, log it but rethrow, catch a higher up exception and do something, or I can throw a new exception and wrap an inner exception like:

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VS 2010 Httpwebrequest / POST / 404 Not Found?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm trying to send some data onto a server. The data is an XML in form of string and and image encoded to base64.The problem is that the server says '404 Not Found', just as if I had an incorrect URL, but my URL is 100% correct. I can get data from the server using GET, but when I try to POST it doesn't work.I checked it in Fiddler and it first gets z 401 error (not logged in) and then the 404 error, which results in an exception.Can anybody please have a look at the below code and tell me if there is something I'm doing wrong?

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


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File I/O And Registry :: Appending To Xml If File Found?

Sep 25, 2010

I am creating an xml file if it does not exist, but am having trouble with appending to the file if it does exist. I am using the reference System.Xml Here is my code:

Public Function App_Path() As String
Return System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()


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ConfigurationManager Not Found Under System.Configuration In VS 2010?

Aug 4, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and referencing System.Configuration at the top "Imports System.Configuration" but I'm still getting not declared and could be inaccessible due to it's protection level. What now?

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VS 2010 Find Method And How To Go To Found Text

Nov 6, 2011

I'm making a notepad and i added find method to find the string and i programed the code but when i search some string in the text box the found string not be shown until i will scroll the text box to see it

it's not auto select or auto go to found text

so how can i do this and my code is Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions


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VS 2010 Not Giving Message When Data Not Found

Apr 10, 2011

when the user search for the username and find it in the database it will be seen in the datagrid.. but my problem is when the reader does not found any data with the same username it will give a message that user is not find,,i use the command.executenonQuery and also the command.ExecuteScalar in my if statement.[code]

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File Not Found When It's There

Dec 23, 2011

File Not Found when it's there

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VS 2010 Referenced Component System.Core Could Not Be Found?

Mar 24, 2011

When my application loads in Visual Studio 2010 I see this warning. Everything runs ok in it as far as I'm aware but I'm completely ignorant in this area. Could that cause me a problem and is there a way to replace that component? There is also the other warning you see in the screenshot.

Quote:Warning1Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports 'System.Linq' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.

I did a search for the entire solution and it didn't turn up any Sysem.Linq anywhere. I looked at every Imports statement in my project and I don't have any Imports System.Linq anywhere unless it's somewhere where Visual Studio's quick find search doesn't see it.

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