Fill Html Form Using Web Browser Control?

May 26, 2012

In VB6 classical, we could do:

Private Sub Form_Load()
WebBrowser1.Navigate2 ""
End Sub


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Programatically Fill PDF Form Fields In Browser Control?

Feb 4, 2012

Basic scenario is that I need to programatically fill out a PDFs text fields that resides on a webserver. The fields will be mapped and filled out with data contained in a CSV. The PDF must be opened in the browser (browser control or ie/ff/chrome/etc) and edited in place. Cannot be downloaded, filled out, and uploaded (it must be filled out and submitted using the submit button in it; I've tried editing the buttons submission path to no avail).Thus far I've put a web browser control on a form and made it navigate to the website, login, and load the PDF file. How do I interact with the PDF file thats open in the web browser control? Looking through various PDF libraries, they seem to mainly interact with a closed pdf located on the harddrive, make the modificatio

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C# - Programmatically Fill Out HTML Invoice Form?

Aug 6, 2010

I have HTML template which has empty forms. How can i fill these forms from Winform?
Should i create a new class called CreateInvoiceHTML which creates invoice programmatically?

I haven't done this before, i need some quick ideas to make sure i don't go to the wrong track.

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Reade HTML Contents In Web Browser Control?

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to read HTML content in web browser control. But I am unable to fetch the value of input boxes available on the HTML page.[code]...

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Which HTML Element Is Clicked In WEB-BROWSER CONTROL

Jun 11, 2009

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked.[code]

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Fill A Web Form On An External Internet Explorer Browser?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a page open on Internet Explorer, the site uses the Server.Redirect method which basically keeps the page reading "" even when you move to different pages.. so with that said I really can't load it within a web browser on my form application.

I need to auto fill out the fields on an external Internet Explorer, not really in need of actually processing the page.

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Insert A Piece Of Html Code Into Web Browser Control In VB 2010?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to insert a piece of html code into a web browser control in vb 2010. i have tried the webbrowser1.documenttext function but cant seem to get the browser to run the html code.

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VS 2008 - Pull A Price From An HTML Tag Using The .Document Method Of The Web Browser Control

May 18, 2009

I'm trying to pull a price from an HTML tag using the .Document method of the web browser control. I've done this previously with the following HTML lin:


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VS 2010 Using The Gecko Web Browser Control To Display Textbox Input As HTML In VB

Dec 2, 2011

I'd like to use the GeckoWebBrowser control to display HTML code that I type (or paste) into a TextBox. Here is the (nonworking) code I have:

GeckoWebBrowser1.Text = textBox1.Text()

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File Which Is In Html Format And Is Displayed In A Form Containing A Web Browser?

May 5, 2009

I have a help file which is in html format and is displayed in a form containing a web browser. I initially want this to be copied to the output directory so that it will be there when the programme is installed and i can then use the file path of the output directory to display the help file.

Can anyone advise how i would do this, and also if when the user installs the program, they decide to change the default output directory how i would i get my application to know where the helpfile will be?

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Visual Basic 2008 Click Html Buttons, Clicking URL Link, VB Automating Web Browser Control

Aug 29, 2009

I'm new to visual basic & have learned many new things in such a short period of time from being on the MSDN forums. I have learned particularly in the subject of automating web browsing control using the getattributes etc., but I have tried everything that I have seen in the forums to auto click the "Settings" link in a created gmail account and then have the browser automate the "Forwarding" to another gmail address. I haven't found a solution anywhere to accomplish this.

So here is an account to try out in which this should only take a few mins to a veteran coder:


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Open Html File And Fill Html Tag And Attribute In Vb Array With Explan?

Aug 19, 2010

then fill all tags and attribute of this page in vb arrayi know this is too much but would you expl

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Open Html File And Fill Html Tag And Attribute In Vb Array?

Aug 21, 2010

i want open html file in vb

then fill all tags and attribute of this page in vb array

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Fill Out A Form Field Without A Name In Webbrowser Control?

Apr 14, 2010

In the past, I used the code below to fill out a form field using the webbrowser control in VB.Net. The page I am working with doesn't have name field for the inputbox, so my code doesn't work. How would I fill out the input box defined at the bottom of this post in bold?[code]...

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Fill Windows Form Spreadsheet Control?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a spreadsheet control on a windows form that I would like to populate with data from an existing worksheet (myworkbook.xls, sheet1). The best solution for me would to be to actually open the workbook on my form (not sure that is possible?), the next best solution would be to fill the spreadsheet control.

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Control/Access An Already Open Browser With Vb Form

Sep 9, 2011

Is there a way to have a desktop vb application take control of an already open browser window? For example, have it mouse click certain coordinates in the window or check if the window contains certain elements.

I've looked at using Microsoft Internet Controls(shdocvw) and MSHTML(IHTMLDocument2) but I am struggling on how to access elements of the browser window (e.g. body.innnerHTML).

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Wordpress - Fill In A Form In A Website Then Click At A Button And Download The File Using Webbrowser Control?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using a WebBrowser-Control to fill in a webform and then click at a button, this currently results in a standard Download File Dialog (you get these if you download a file using internet explorer), but instead, I have to catch this file and save it automatically with a by me defined name to a specific folder.I am trying to code a little application in which download the Export-file from my wordpress-blog, and I want to do this completely without user-interaction.Currently everything works, except the downloading of the file.I tried to catch it with the event System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.Navigating(ByVal Object, ByVal System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs) but I don't see where to download the file from?

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Building A Web Browser Using The WebBrowser Control In A Normal Vb Form?

Feb 4, 2009

I'm building a web browser using the WebBrowser control in a normal vb form. I would like to add an option where the user can view the source code for the page like in internet explorer.

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[2008] Display HTML On Form Without Webbrowser Control?

Feb 19, 2009

How can I display HTML code on a form without having to add a webbrowser control?

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Render HTML In WebBrowser Control In Windows Form Application?

Jan 11, 2010

I am writing a windows form application, where I want to have a WebBrowser control, and in that control, I want to show a Google map programmatically generated (I mean, not just specify a URL to the browser).

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Forms :: Fill A Field On The Browser And Submit It?

Oct 24, 2009

Lets put as example. Google's field is called "q" (at least the spanish version).I have tried some code.

WebBrowser1.Navigate (
WebBrowser.Document.Forms(0).q.Value = "field text".

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[2008] Fill Web Browser Username And Pass?

Jan 29, 2009

Ok first of all my internet is protected witha a username and password field so when i double click on my webbrowser, a messagebox comes up requesting my username and password. If the username and password are correct it allows me to browze the internet.

Question: Is there a way how i can find this messagebox 's parameters and manage to fill the form without sendkeys? Maybe using api send message

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VB 2005 Express Make The Web Browser Control Connect Through A Different Ip Address And Port From Default Web Browser?

Apr 29, 2007

Im using VB2005 express and the app im creating uses the web browser control.Basically I want to know if its possible to make the web browser control connect through a different ip address and port from your default web browser.

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Html - Get A ContentPlaceHolder In ASP.NET To Fill The Page?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a Master page and many, many pages that use it. On one or two of the pages, there is not enough content to fill the entire page. This causes the footer to appear near the middle of the screen and the background to be visible at the bottom of the page. I would like to know if it is possible to have the ContentPlaceHolder automatically generate white space to force the footer to the bottom of the page. I have looked through the code of the master page and did not see anything that was forcing the size of the ContentPlaceHolder. I also checked the two pages that I am having the issue with and did not see any explicit size declaration.

<body runat="server" id="main">
<div id="wrap">
<form id="template_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" runat="server">
<table id="Table1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="800" align="center" border="0"


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Web Browser Automation / Automate Button Click Automate Web Browser / Web Browser Automate Text / Button Click Html Elements

Aug 14, 2009

I am new to vb 2008, but I know how to automate some html elements. The issuse that I running into is that I cannot get my webbrowser1 to auto-click the "Gmail" button at the top left of the page or the "Show me my account" button on the righthand side of the webpage. Here is the webpage that I'm trying to auto click: url...Can someone please view the html source and give a code sample to click either button so that the page can then go on to the following page?

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Browser Automation - Click The Continue Button Once, Fill Out More Data On The Next Page ?

Aug 6, 2009

I have managed to automate the following page: and even click the "Continue" button, but I noticed that my vb 2008 program is creating an infinite loop and tries to click "Continue" buttons on following pages. I only want my program to click the continue button once, fill out more data on the next page and then click another continue button on a later page. But I need the following code to end on the first page before I can continue coding for the following pages so that the web browser doesn't go crazy.Here is the code that I am using and not sure if this is called an infinite loop, but that is what it seems to be doing:

theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("button")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection
If curElement.GetAttribute("value").Equals("Continue") Then[code].......

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Fill In An HTML TextBox, Click A Button, And Check A Checkbox?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm working on a project in Visual Basic 2008, a web browser, and I've been looking up how to fill in an HTML textbox, fill in a check box, and click a button, I haven't found anything that works. So I know the names of the textboxes, that I want to fill, the check box that I want to have clicked, and the buttons I want clicked, how would I do this?

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Make Web Browser Auto-fill In User Name Field In Webpage Window On Load?

Dec 3, 2009

I have some values in the registry to set the user name, I also have a web browser, How would i make the web browser auto fill in the user name field in the web page window on load?

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Read HTML In Web-browser?

Feb 22, 2009

I'm working on a new webbrowser program for a bunch of people, it's going to open a website in the webbrowser and fill in the text in textboxes inside the IDs of accountname and password.

When it is logged in it will be in a page called "Account managing"

Now on this page there will be some info. Info that I want to read via HTML and put in little listboxes or TextBoxes in my program.[coded]...

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Make The Controls Stack And Fill Up The Available Space Left By A Control If The Control Is Hidden Or Removed From The UltraGridBagLayoutPanel?

Sep 8, 2011

I am wondering if anyone has any idea how to make the controls stack and fill up the available space left by a control if the control is hidden or removed from the UltraGridBagLayoutPanel.


[Textbox 1]
[Textbox 2]
[Textbox 3]
[Textbox 4]
[Textbox 5]

If I hide [Textbox 3] as of now, it will disperse the space left equally and pad the remaining text boxes with the space. However, I would like it to do this...

[Textbox 1]
[Textbox 2]
[Textbox 4]
[Textbox 5]

Where all the text boxes will move up and [Textbox 4] will completely consume the space left by [Textbox 3].

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