Project Work With DB Access2003 And Don't With Access2007?

Oct 12, 2011

I use a Vb 2008. I make connection with DB Ms Access2007. it show me this error couldn't find....... DBthen I change the DB Ms Access2007 to MS Access2003, and it works very well

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VS 2010 Adding Records To Access2007 Doesnt Work?

Sep 12, 2010

i have learned VB 6.0 a few years back, but started out in .NET with this one..Everything went pretty good, until now! I want to write my data from the application to my Access database (Frituur1).i have tried with several methods1:this takes place in my Module1:

Dim newJournaalRow As Frituur1DataSet.JournaalRow
newJournaalRow = frmindex.Frituur1DataSet.Journaal.NewJournaalRow()
newJournaalRow.btw6 = btw6


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VS 2008: Project With MS Access2007 Database Is Not Working In Windows 7?

Sep 30, 2011

my project with MS access2007 database is not working in windows 7 My proj details: vs 2008 ,32bit OS
database:MS access2007

My project is working fine with windows vista but in windows7 its not working?It runs in windows 7 but database is not working?

View 14 Replies

Creating Window Application With .NET And Access2003?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm creating window application with VB.NET and Access2003.the problem is : how do i store the connection string in the app.config file that include the application.startup path? Dim connectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" + Application.StartupPath + "db1.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=hello"

i connect it in each form but i don want this as i want to change it in one place.


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VS 2010 Developing Application For CRUD In VB2010 To Access2003

Apr 4, 2011

So I'm developing an application in VB2010. The idea is to perform CRUD operations (more or less) to an Access2003 Database. The database is relational, yet I haven't grasped the best architecture to make an application to interact with it. I tough doing a Business layer with a domain model would work. Controllers for each Use case (which are basically CRUD operations) would create Domain Layer object. Yet I don't know yet how to manage the mapping of the objects to/from the database.

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Inserting Null Value In A DataTable Of MS Access2003 Through Application Created In VB 2010?

Jun 8, 2011

I am facing a problem in inserting a datarow in the Ms access Database though visual basic application.The scenario is like this:I have a table named 'IssueReturn' for library management System. The table has these fields:

MemId Char(10)
BookId Char(10)
DateOfIssue DateTime


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Forms In Access2007 Can Be Import To .net?

Aug 11, 2011

I want to try and i want to know if the forms in Access 2007 can be imported to

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Error:Project Work On Seven System-Don't Work On XP System

Oct 19, 2011

I'm using vb2008 with DB MSA2007 (save it to MSA2003) on Seven(7)System After I create my project I build it(make exe). then I took the file of project (application) and the DB from Debug Folder.

I tried to run this application with DB on another computer it's system is seven and MSA2007 and work very well. then I run it on pc it's system XP and MSA2003. it showed this error

Application Error THE APPLICATION FAILED TO INTIALIZE PROPERLY (0XC000135). Click on OK to terminate the application

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Find Index When Connected With Ms-access2007?

Oct 15, 2011

How to find index in when connected with ms-access2007:)

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Table In Access2007 DB Gets Overwritten When Updated?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm trying to access 2 tables within the same DB in Access 2007, but I have a problem when saving information to one of the tables, I can do it with one table but when I try to save the information to the second table the data gets overwritten, not sure why, because I use the same procedure for both of them, just changing the variables to avoid mixed data, this is the code that I use to connect with the DB and fill the DataSet:

dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
dbSource = "Data Source=.\Almacen.accdb;Jet OleDB:Database Password=Slackware"


Again, it works fine when saving info to one table, but using the exact same procedure (with different variables) saves the new data but overwrites the previous information

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Unable To Save Data To Access2007 Using Vb 2010?

Jan 6, 2011

I am a beginner in VB and I have a school project using VB 2008. I created a save button in vb but it cant save to Access 2007

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


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How To Work On The Same VB 2010 Project With Another Person

Mar 24, 2012

Better Explaination of question: Is it possible to work on the same vb project at the same time?

I searched over google for help and I found a forum but it looked very complicated and I diden't feel like screw stuff p so can someone please give me a link or tell me how?

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Images Don't Work After Project Is Published

Dec 15, 2009

If i use custom images in my programs from my pc. After i publish this and give it to my friends they get errors due to them not having the images. How do i go about adding the images to the application or just generally how you resolve this?

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Windows 7 VB Project Wont Work With XP?

May 9, 2012

I made a small windows project under visual studio 2010, It working perfectly with

windows 7 , when I tried to run it under XP didn't work :-(

what can I do to have it work in both windows 7 and windows XP , or at least to work under

View 11 Replies

Compile VB 2010 Application With Access2007 Database Inside?

Oct 15, 2011

I am trying to compile my program, and each time i do the access database is outside the executable. I was wondering if it is possible to compile it and the database will be within the executable, or better still how do i make it an installer kind of application that sends all the files to the programes folder on the computer.

View 3 Replies - Could Not Seem To Make Quartz .Net Work On Web Application Project

May 29, 2011

I followed the Quartz manual to the dot and still I'm not sure why it isn't picking up the GetDeal.vb (Quartz job) in Global.asax. It never went into the _scheduler.JobGroupNames and _scheduler.TriggerGroupNames loop as follows:

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

Dim factory As ISchedulerFactory = New StdSchedulerFactory()
_scheduler = factory.GetScheduler()


I've attached a link to download my Project here. how to make it work?- [URL]

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Project Work School Tracking System

Jun 18, 2012

i would like some help with how to start with my FINAL YEAR project work dubbed "SCHOOL TRACKING SYSTEM" . I am so much lost on how it shoud be like and what to actually do.

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Re-work A Previous Project Without Changing The Original?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 9... Which uses Visual Studio 2008.I would like to re-work a previous project without changing the original to which end I'd like to make a copy of the original, with a different name obviously.

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Simple Paint Project Wont Work

Jul 8, 2010

Can any body tell me why this simple paint project wont work.

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Subsonic 3 Work Virtual Basic .net Project?

Sep 15, 2009

i download subsonic 3 today (subsonic 3 preview 2) but this don't work in vb project.i think because .tt file (for generation) is C# template so this don't generate vb code.

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VS 2008 How Can More Than One Programmer Work On Same Project At One Time

Feb 23, 2010

How can more than one programmer work on the same project at one time? is this possible? it surely must be possible??

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Work On A .NET Project Built On The 4.0 Framework In MonoDevelop?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm looking around and I "think" I'm reading conflicting statements about MonoDevelop's ability to support a VB.NET project. Some places say it's not possible yet, and other places say that you can with MonoDevelop V2.10... unfortunately I can't seem to find this elusive v2.10.

Do any of you know if this is currently possible (even if I have to install a beta)?

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Create A Client-server Application Using Vb2008 And Ms Access2007 As Database?

Nov 2, 2011

We would like to create a client-server architecture application that the server can control all client computers connected to it (e.g shutdown) and we would like to put a security login and a desktop lockeron the clients. The process of the system is that when the clients starts, the desktop is locked and ofcourse the user can't access the desktop unless he/she logged-in. And when the scheduled time (e.g 1 hour) is done, the client computers where automatically shutdown like the Time Logger Softwares

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Import Fixed Width Text File Into Access2007 Table

May 7, 2011

I am trying to load a text file into an Access 2007 table. I know you can read the file line by line and then create a record out of each line. i was trying to see if this could be done with an INSERT INTO rather than cyclying through all lines of text. My text file is not character delimited but rather by fixed column width. For example:[code]The data in the example has spaces for readability but in reality the data are clumped together like so [code]I cant figure out how to tell the command how the data is structured. I know you can use a schema file but there's got to be a way to do this all through code.

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IDE :: Work On Same Project In Visual Studio 2008 And 2010?

Nov 4, 2010

Have anyone worked on a project on 2 different computers with different version of Visual Studio Express?

In my case, I have made (and still working on..) a project in VSE2008, which I have installet at my job-computer.

At my homepc I have VSE2010 installed. I am a bit afraid to try working on that project from another version of the Visual Studio..

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Project Doesnt Work On Mentor's System Due To Error

Jun 20, 2011

i am doing an internship for which i had to make a code in vb. i am using vb 2010 ultimate. the code is ready n bug free. it does what it is supposed to do on my system. how should i transfer it onto my mentor's system because he needs the code for day to day activities. his system has v1.something for .net framework. mine is v4.something.i have tried sending him exe file generated. didnt work due to the difference in versions framework.then i read bout package and deployment wizard. vb 2010 ultimate doesnt have that wizard. i tried publishing it. gives me an error "WindowsApplication1 has stopped working." this is on my system and not my mentor's.

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Make A Zipped Copy Of A Spreadsheet Create In Xlsx Format In Access2007?

Nov 8, 2010

I need to make a zipped copy of a spreadsheet I create in xlsx format in Access2007. This needs to follow the creation of the spreadsheet as the path and file name are also created programmatically.

My code at present is:


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Figuring Out Which Multithreading Approach To Utilize In Current Work Project?

Apr 25, 2012

figuring out which multithreading approach to utilize in my current work project. Since I've never written a multithreaded app in my life, this is all confusing and very overwhelming.I've been assigned to take over work on a control application for a piece of test equipment in my companies R&D lab. The program has to be able to send and receive serial communications with three different devices semi-concurrently. The original program was written in VB 6 (no multithreading) and I did plan on just modding it to work with the newer products that need to be tested until it posed a safety hazard when the UI locked up due to excessive serial communications during a test. This resulted in part of the tester hardware blowing up, so I decided to try rewriting the app in VB.Net as I'm more comfortable with it to begin with and because I thought multithreading might help solve this problem.

My plan was to send commands to the other pieces of equipment from the main app thread and spin the receiving ends off into their own threads so that the main thread wouldn't lock up when timing is critical. However, I've yet to come to terms with my options. To add to my problems, I need to display the received communications in separate rich text boxes as they're received while the data from one particular device needs to be parsed by the main program, but only the text that results from the most current test (I need the text box to contain all received data though).

So far, I've investigated delegates, handling the threads myself, and just began looking into BackgroundWorkers. I tried to use delegates earlier today, but couldn't figure out a way to update the text boxes. Would I need to use a call back function to do this since I can't do it in the body of the delegate function itself? The problem I see with handling threads myself is figuring out how to pass data back and forth between the thread and the rest of the program. BackgroundWorkers, as I said, I just started investigating so I'm not sure what to think about them yet.

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Program Dont Work If Not Change CPU Type To X86 In Project Properties

Dec 13, 2009

Each time I create a program, if I don't change the CPU type to x86 in the Project Properties, Compile, Advanced Compile options, it doesn't work. For example, if I hit the drop down button on a combo box, there will be no data, but after switching to x86, there is data. How does changing the CPU type affect how others (such as when its being graded) view the program? If the program is not run on an x86 system, would it appear to not work then?

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Database Connectivity - Design The Database In Access2003 And Forms

Jun 3, 2010

I m working on an school management application, i design the database in access2003 and forms in vb.net2005. but i dont have any idea about the database conectivity. with the help of a book to connect with the db but i cannot save the data in the mdb file. in my application 1 add the followin buttons add new record modify record delete search using id or enrolment no.

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