VB 2010 - Express Forms - Load Next Form In Same Window

Feb 10, 2011

I have a very large program I would like to write but think starting with a smaller test program would be a good idea. What I want to know is: I have a base Form from which a user clicks a button to answer a question (Answer A, B, C, or D) which if the answer is correct will pop up a "Correct! answer response in a separate window. This is ok for now, however, when the "proceed to next question" button is clicked, I would like the next question to appear in the original base form window.

Right now it pops up in a separate window and I'd rather not have 20 windows open at the end of the quiz. How do I load the next form in the same window!? Obviously it's possible and could be something I'm completely overlooking, and I've also read that I could replace all data with the next Form. I have searched "Visual Basic load form in same window" and came up with results, but none of what I'm looking for.

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Forms :: Load A Second Form In Vb2008 Express?

May 6, 2010

I have a perhaps simple problem but cannot deal with it.What would be the code for loading another form.let me explain in more details.im writing a very simple game for my project and want to load another form when "level" on my first form finishes


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VS 2010 - Load A Webbrowser Window Somewhere In The Form

Feb 25, 2012

What I was thinking of is load a webbrowser window somewhere in the form, but within the webbrowser size, by default, load only say the Half left (or right) part of the webbrowser window. In pseudocode it would be smth like webbrowser1.show(1*webbrowserWindow.Height, 0.5*webbrowserWindow.Width, webbrowserWindow.With.StartFromLeft/Right). Now I know it sounds pretty crazy, but it would be smth very handful for me. Look at the SS below if you didn't get what I'm trying to say because that's quite possibly as clear as I can be.

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Forms :: Force Webbrowser To Use Single Window In 2008 VB Express?

Aug 5, 2009

I am writing a VB program in VB 2008 express edition, and I need to make a simple web browser used by touch screen users. I have done making the simple web browser to browser the webpage, but when I open some links they are opened in the external IE rather than the VB web browser, how can I force all web page to be opened in the VB software?

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Windows Forms Window Load Method Not Completing?

Oct 12, 2010

So in my window onLoad method I am pre-populating a grid with values retrieved from a database. Here is the method below for the window load:

Private Sub winMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
''#Load Grid
Dim dt As New DataTable
With dt


What happens is, when I press F5 to debug, the program loads, and the grid is still empty, just as it is without a datasource. When I try to step through the code, it actually reaches down to the line that reads

Budgets = BudgetManager.Process.Budget.GetAllBudgets()

and then stepping over this line...the window loads and it doesn't go any further in the method. What the line of code above does is eventually make a execution call of some SQL to a SQLite database, and the code gets to the point at which it calls the execute method, but doesn't even make the query yet. All the objects up until that point in the code are set properly as well (found through debugging and checking locals.)Edit:Exception is this:

"Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.

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IDE :: Vb 2010 Express HWnd Window Handle?

Dec 31, 2010

I have inserted the following code depicting a procedure that can place the cursor at a particular location within a Rich textbox. However, I am unable to get the Hwnd handle to run without an error.

Would someone advise if the SendMessage arguments are correct and how do I access the RichTexBox Hwnd window handle for this procedure.


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Add A MainMenu To A Form In VB 2008 Express Using The Design Window?

Dec 4, 2009

how to add a MainMenu to a form in VB 2008 Express using the design window. I only see MenuStrip in the toolbox. I can add a MainMenu programatically, but not visually. The reason I need a MainMenu and not a MenuStrip is for owner-drawing. None of the MenuStrip items seem to have an OwnerDraw property.

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Load Window Explorer To My Form?

Oct 18, 2009

How can i load window explorer to my form .

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VB2008 Express Form Load Event Not Working As Expected

Sep 23, 2009

I am working a building a form that is generated using Project|Add Windows Form|Form.

In the Load procedure, I placed the following code:

dbObject.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:scdbv4datascdbdata.mdb"
rsObject.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset


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Visual Basic 2010 Express Written Code But It Leaves The Window Hanging?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to write code for a login to my program. But the code I have written freeze's the screen. Basicaly I want to check if username (TextBox1) has text in it and then check if password (Textbox2) has text in it. if either textbox has no text then a MsgBox show's with an OK Button. and then I dont want the program to run. I want The login form to reload so the user can insert thier username & password. the code I have is below.


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VB 2010 Forms App Project Using ADO.Net Has Started Crashing VS 2010 Whenever Load It?

Aug 11, 2011

well until a few day ago. I don't know what I have introduced to cause the problem but now, whenever I load the project, VS 2010 (SP1) crahes. If I delete the project's suo file, the project loads (really quickly) and all is well until I exitVS 2010. When I re-run it and try to load the project, it crashes again unless I delete the suo file.The program can be built for x64 and x86. Now, when I reload the project (after deleting the suo file), it comes up in Debug - Any CPU mode. I can change from Debug to Release and from Any CPU to x86 but if I try and change from x86 to x64, VS 2010 crashes.This is not always the case though. If I build the x86 version and then switch to x64, all is well and I can build the x64 version. Obviously, there's something wonky going on.

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Load Forms Using Form Name?

May 7, 2012

I have this code which is working fine;

Private Function GetForm(ByVal frmName As String, ByVal asm As Assembly) As Form
Dim types As Type()
Dim t As Type
types = asm.GetTypes
Dim frm As Form


if you will notice, the sub still needs to scan all forms before it display the form, please help to reconstruct the code so that I will not use the "for next" for in types, since assembly and formname are already given/provided.

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Forms :: Set The Form As The Active Window?

Mar 4, 2011

I was wondering if there's a method to set the form as the active window (not topmost obviously), if it's currently not the active window (meaning another window is currently the active one). By active I mean "selected".

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1 Serialport 3 Forms - Currently Attempting To Use A Module In Vb 2010 Express?

Feb 26, 2012

I 'm a beginner and have a project that I'm using to turn lights on and off. I need to use separate forms for display on remote monitors. My problem is each form needs the same serial port open to work and the port won't open unless it's closed in the previous form. Using a module works for opening and closing the port, but only for one round. If I try to revisit a form I already accessed it doesn't work.

Public Sub sp1(byval SerialPort1)If Form2.SerialPort1.IsOpen = TrueThen Form1.SerialPort1.Close() If Form3.SerialPort1.IsOpen = TrueThen Form3.SerialPort1.Close() Form1.SerialPort1.Open() end sub
Public Sub sp2(byval SerialPort1) If Form1.SerialPort1.IsOpen = TrueThen Form1.SerialPort1.Close() If Form3.SerialPort1.IsOpen = TrueThen Form3.SerialPort1.Close() Form2.SerialPort1.Open() EndSub
Public Sub sp3(byval SerialPort1) If Form1.SerialPort1.IsOpen = TrueThen Form1.SerialPort1.Close() If Form2.SerialPort1.IsOpen = TrueThen Form3.SerialPort1.Close() Form2.SerialPort1.Open() EndSub
end Module

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Forms :: Vb 2008 Express Form Wont Show Correctly

Aug 24, 2009

I have been working on a quite complex multiform solution.All of a sudden the start up form (in fact any form I designate to start up) loads, displays and operates fine.

But when I try and show a form using showdialog the form displays behind the original form and I can�t set focus to the ide to close it down. I have to use task manager or alt f4 while the form has the focus.

Calling different forms from this one gives the same result but other forms work fine. I don�t want to redo this form as Ive done a lot of work onit.The only thing I can think of that whist I was changing the startup form in the project propertied page (file>project>properties) I unchecked the �Enable applications framework checkbox.

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Forms :: How To Call Form Load

Dec 8, 2009

how can you call a form load event in vb.net? when I'm vb6 i only use Call Form_load()

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Forms :: How To Handle Form Load

May 17, 2009

I had created a form(MDI Child) which have 3 to 4 dataset on it. They all are loaded from the database at the form load event and therefore takes too much time to load and show some part of form during that time. When it load completely it shows the whole form. Is there any way that user will see the complete form instead of some broken form.

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Forms :: Unload And Load Form Vs 2005

Oct 9, 2009

load and unload form just like vb6 in vs 2005 using vb.net. I'm trying this code.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


but when i click the button, nothing happened..

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The Children Forms In MDI Form Load Very Slow

May 20, 2010

I am trying to create an application. I am using MDI forms method to navigate throughout the application. However, when a user clicks a button to create a new child or when the application execute this code


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Forms :: Streaming Button Click To Form Window

Nov 25, 2009

vb.net experts, I am new to vb.net but I have some programming background and some experience. What I want to do is this. As of right now I have a webpage with buttons on it and each button once clicked runs a script in DOS and a the DOS command windows appear.

I would like to make a vb.net form with buttons on it that each button when clicked executes the same program. However the kicker is I want the DOS output to be displayed within the form along with a scrolling bar to the right of the window so a person can scroll thru the outputted DOS window. Does that make sense?


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Avoid Form Flickering While Forms Load And Unload?

May 29, 2009

I am using MDI form and nearly more than 10 child forms.. Here, When i load or unload some forms, it flickers very much.. It is not as much good.. So i need to avoid this.. How to avoid form flickering?

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Forms :: Dynamically Load User Control In A Form?

Apr 26, 2011

I dynamically load a user control in a form (Form 1).

In my user control there are two things :

a Textbox (TxtBox1) and a Command Button

WHen the button is clicked, it opens a new form (Form 2) Form2.ShowDialog()

My question is, in Form 2, how can i set a value to TxtBox1 of the user control?

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Add A Remote SQLServer Database To My Database Explorer Window In 2010 Express?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to use LINQ to SQL in Visual Basic 2010 Express.

It allows me to create the .dbml file, but in order to drag items from the Database Explorer window to the design surface, I first have to get my database listed in the Database Explorer!(this is a remote SQL Server database - not a local .mdf)

I already have a good, working connection string to the remote SQL Server database, but that doesn't help me when I'm trying to generate the DBML at design time.

Can anyone tell me how to get my remote SQL Server database identified in the Database Explorere window? When I try the "Add Connection", I am limited to Access, SQL Server Compact, or SQL Server Database File. If I try to enter the IP address & port of my DB Host I get a 'database file does not exist' message. Doesn't seem to want to let me point to a remote DB server...

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Forms :: Base Window Events Are Triggered When Focus Is On Another Form On Its Top?

Apr 3, 2009

I am migrating my code from vb.net 1.1 framework to vb.net 3.5In my windows application, the base window has some buttons and events are written for the same.I have shortcuts defined for these buttons also, for example: ctrl+d, DEL (keyboard) etc.Now i open a property Grid form on top of my base window for a selected object.Even when the focus is on this property grid, i am noticing that my base window events are firing on pressing those shortcuts.

example:I select some text in my property grid and hit delete button from keyboard. The delete event that i have written for the selected object gets fired and the text is not deleting.I fail to understand why is it happening. It wasnt behaving like this in .net 1.1.In .net 1.1 it would delete the text and only when the focus is back on the base window, hitting Delete would call the event.How do i control such a behavior? Is there some property that i need to set for property grid in .net 3.5 to prevent base window events from firing till the time focus is on property grid form?

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.net - Form Load Event Fires Twice Using Interop Forms Toolkit?

Sep 18, 2009

I've been following a codeproject article on using the interop forms toolkit (basically a way for developers to slowly upgrade their VB6 projects to .net by allowing .net components run in VB6)


While the .NET form is working fine in all other testing projects and environments, I've found that the Form_load event is actually firing twice once it's in executing in the VB6 runtime.Not only annoying, its forcing my initialization code to execute twice (causing all kind of problems on the second run).

If (runBefore = True) Then

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Forms :: Linking Comb Box Items To A Button To Load A New Form?

Jan 13, 2011

Linking Comb Box Items to a Button to load a new formCombo box 3 has 2 items.....Item 1, Item 2i want it so if you click on the button when item 1 is selected it will load form3 and if item 2 is selected the same button will load form 4

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Forms :: Let The Users To Select Their Desired Wallpapers In The Window Main Form?

May 23, 2010

I wanted to let the users to select their desired wallpapers dynamically in the window main form. Is it possible? Funtional spec:

1. Let the users to select their desired wallpapers from any directory.

2. Save the wallpaper in the database.

3. Load the wallpaper in the main form after login sucessful.

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Forms :: Make The Window Form Always Full Size Inside The MDI Container?

Jul 12, 2011

I had a master form which has a MDI container.When I was load the master form, I will also display another form inside the MDI container.But I was fail to maximize the child form to fix the MDI container. The image below is my problem Untitled2.jpg. I need to expand the form above to touch the MDI container border. (Full size in the MDi container)But I was fail even I was set the child form window state to Maximized

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VS 2008 : Making 'main Window' Form Acting As A Container For The Other Forms?

Mar 17, 2009

Am devloping an application with multiple forms, which reside on top of a main form. i.e the main application window. The 'child' forms do not need to be linked in any way as they do not pass information to the parent form, as all the parent form does is act as main window.Now I would like to know what is the correct way for the 'main window' form acting as a container for the other forms? So that all the smaller secondary forms stay focused on top of the main application form, that when the main window is minimized, so these forms should do also etc..

I have read other posts and they mention, leaving all the forms standard i.e. IsMdiContainer = False and then using form.showDialog() to call the secondary forms. This did not work for me as what happens is that as soon as I give focus to the main app form, the secondary form disappears underneath.I tired making the main app form IsMdiContainer = True and when it loads calling:

frmMemberForm.MdiParent = Me

Now this works, because I can click off the form and minimize the app etc and the frmMemberForm doesn't disappear. However if i close the MemberForm and reopen it, it looses this property and once again when it looses focus, it will disappear.

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VS 2010 : Load A Child Form By Default In MDI Parent Form?

Jan 23, 2011

I want to load a child form which is a login form by default when the parent form is loaded.Right now when I click new file on the toolbar of the parent form, then only the login form is loaded but i want it be loaded by default without clicking anything.

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